Major Update “Seek & Destroy” — DEV Server Changelog (11.06.2024)

Thanks as always for highlighting the additions!

The ability to view ships’ crew placement is an amazing addition! It would be nice to have a more “fixed” version (like x-ray) in the future as well, in addition to this “directional” version (like penetration testing), to really properly see exactly where they are.

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For JAS39 Gripen A, I want Rb 99 (ARH) swap Rb 71 (SARH) but lose IR AAM Rb 74(M) and HMS mode


@Yontzee For my idea

  • F-16A Block 20 MLU - AIM-120B (placeholder) or AIM-120C-5, AIM-9P & AIM-9M swap AIM-9P & AIM-9L
    • x2 AIM-9P replace by AIM-9P-4
  • AIM-9L/i for F-4F KWS-LV (ICE), Tornado F3 late (RAF), Tornado ADV (ITA), F-104A ASA (ITA) and F-16A Block 15 ADF (ITA)
  • AIM-9M for 2 USA fighter aircraft (F-14B Tomcat & F-16A Block 15 ADF) with max BR to 12.3
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@Stona_WT Would Gaijin consider changing the stock loadouts of NATO 13.0 Jets?
AIM-9Ls at 13.0 is unacceptable. The suggested changes should be like this, no changes to the Modifications tree, so Gaijin can still keep players grinding out AIM-9Ls and AIM-9Ms, while keeping good gameplay balance.


r60ms at 12.0 arent either, yet they still kept them

mind you, r60ms should end at 11.0


Meanwhile some 12.0 NATO planes start off with 2x AIM-9J/Ps, not even All-Aspect.
R-60Ms and AIM-9Ls are comparable, since they are the first All-Aspect either bloc gets.

At 13.0, some planes gets 2x IRCCM missiles stock, while others dont. Which isnt fair.


I would like to add this thread I made about this, which had overwhelming support:

I would not be suprised if they were sent a bug report about some series of it using better RWRs and instead of implementing newer RWR they would nerf it to the older one.
They did that with Mi-24s already.

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Meanwhile Vikhrs ever since they were added:

Also Hellfire L would still be kinematically extremely underpowered just as the current Hellfires are. Meanwhile Spike ER can EASILY shoot down helicopters 8KM away that are CLIMBING since Spike ER motor is burning literally forever. Current Hellfires are not even able to get kills past 3Km on moving helis and Hellfire L would be exactly the same. And let’s not even mention the fact that all FnF ATGMs are extremely unreliable because after all the nerfs to them they always just target turret cheeks and other parts where they can’t do any real damage.


As usual gaijin only seeks to add to top tier and lengthen the grind rather than fill out the gaps in their game

after more than 4 Years, it finally happens

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Hungary supposedly received their first Su-22M3 in 1981, some two years before the Su-22M3 entered production. Thats why I think it is possible that those Su-22M3s not really initially were Su-22M3s, but rather the earlier Su-22M, which was also based on the Su-17M3. As this bug fix was based on a restoration (or upgrade?) video of one of the early Su-22’s in Hungary, I think this might be the reason.

The Soviet An-12 Cub containers delivered 15 pcs Su-22’s to Taszár Air Base between November 17 and December 13.

The Hungarian crews received training in 1983 at the Krasnodar college for the Su-22 Fitter. The Hungarian 101th Reconnaissance Air Squadron was formed on March 1, 1984.

The first Su-22UM3 Fitter-G took off on March 21, 1984. The squadron became operational at daytime on June 8 days.

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So autoloaders are now going to be worse than non- autoloaders? A crew member is going to be replaced a lot faster than having to stop and repair an autoloader.

Also can we finally get a proper repairsystem that isn’t so extremely basic and simplistic when we’re going to be having all these systems to repair? The all or nothing repair where you can repair for 39 out of 40 seconds and still have nothing repaired, the game is bad enough as a repair simulator and these new modules just seem to disable your vehicle with every single shot.


although i do agree that the repair system needs to be tweaked, i think people are not noticing that maybe now we can get the actual relaod speeds of all these auto loaders. With these “nerfs” we may see a buff later down the line.

And honestly it isnt even that bad, the worst off are the russians but if your hitting the autoloader then the ammo should have been set off anyway so it shouldnt pose much as a problem. it will just seem like it because if you survive a shot it will probably be taken out instead of just sending you back to the map screen.

I read Yefim Gordon’s book on the Su-17/20/22, and there he stated the deliveries as to have begun in 1981. Thus my reasoning. But it was merely a suggestion to the possible situation

Japan relies entirely on the autoloaders as performance, the Type 90s and Type 10s are so nerfed and have little redeeming factors beyond just a fast reload that a nerf to the autoloaders leaves them with no redeeming qualities.

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C-35 (
C-36 (
N-20 Aiguillon (
P-16 (
Häfeli (
SWS C1 (
Wild (

Plus quite a few aircraft that were licence built and customized, just think of the Hunter Mk.58, Mirage IIIS/RS (both in original as well as improved C.70 versions)…

And not including the Pilatus trainers, that only were armed in foreign air forces (PC-7, PC-9)…

Or, to put it differently: What original aircraft does the Israeli tech tree show? There’s not a single local design!

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it’s not noted her but all the Tigers helicopter “almost” got HMS, sadly the Mistrals didn’t received the change to be able to be slaved by the HMS, but i can ONLY HOPE that you guys will change it soon, i wish to be able to fling my funny magic rod at people

Changelog updated, changes marked green.


So… Netherlands Hunter F.6 is 9.0BR now even F.1, FGA.9, J34 doesn’t get BR changes?

Jesus it would be insane as hell