Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Changelog

Pantsir is really easy to evade tho. So skill issue on your part. Ito is much harder to evade.

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Xbox packs are normally added within a week or two. Stay tuned.

the new spawn cost display is absolutly uggly and where before the update was the vehicle preview and the spawn cost in the preview, now the cost and the amount of coupons is displayed in a narrow small and absolutly overfilled of it size slot, please rework it, also in the lineup the diffrent buttons are that massivly forced in a small slot that played on a smaller screen than 24 inch, it is a horror to hit the button you want, pls add an option to reduce the ui to the old look and have the new mechanics in hte right click menu


You find the time to reduce the challenger 3s engine horsepower, but heaven forbid you actually give it the correct damage model.

It still has the pre-change challenger 2 damage model for some reason.

I would love to see the sources about the ch2 and ch1 weight gains. I am very sceptical about them, especially considering the recent rework of the ch2.


Any information as to why none of the reports on the JAS39 got implemented?
(See THIS post)

It’s very important that vehicles that could already be destroyed by machine guns be made even more vulnerable apparently…


@Stona_WT any info about the missing Chaff on the Tornado IDS?


i think it’s because spaa kept on surviving missiles (which comes from the issue that agms cant overpressure)

Should be resolved with hellfires and mav + more modules for sure

why do i see a description of how crew lvl works in battle #useless

Yeah, those light tanks are a real issue huh… but now that you’ve voted for this feature we’re going to use it to target SPAA instead.

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I just tested and turns out if you shoot the second stowage Abrams instantly explodes.

Funny thing is second stowage should also have blowout panels.

Helpful for new players/players who don’t really understand the mechanic

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Typical gaijin

Made a huge mistake.

Circumstances have me stuck with a 1,3mb/s download speed at the hospital (long term stay). Downloaded the update with the Gaijin launcher while I was away talking with doctors. Came back to play the game now, closed the launcher, and Steam instantly started downloading the update again, and in the process ruined all the files.

Now I gotta wait 3 hours for Steam to finish the update.

Why, oh why did I close that launcher? And why is the hospital throttling my download speed, they have über fibre :(

@Smin1080p Should we report this?

Despite having empty space on first stowage additional ammunitions gets stored on second stowage, this bug decreases Abrams survivability alot.

This update is really cool and all, but I really dislike the passive crew healing mechanic. I know people voted for it so Gaijin didn’t have much of a choice but dang. I enjoyed imagining what was going on within the crew compartment as a shell slams through my IS-1, killing the commander and injuring the gunner and loader, their abilities reduced given the shrapnel embedded in his leg as he frantically tries to crank the turret around as fast as he can or slam another shell into the breech. If anything, I wish I could turn this feature off just for myself, even if it put me at a major disadvantage. Heck, I wish it was exclusive to arcade. Oh a man can dream.
Oh while you’re here, remember the Battle of the Atlantic event? Dang that was cool and I miss it, wish they’d bring it back (but frankly I am not supportive of submarines in regular naval matches).

Flares changes from Light Caliber to Large Calibers

it seems squadron activity points arent working, it doesnt count my matches for activity

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That’s not the issue