Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Changelog

Type 88 Surface to ship missile has 180km range, has now been added for Japan.


What vehicle?

Let us play come


Bro I don’t want to play with with you answer the question, is it one of the new AI targets?

I don’t think CM is working properly in terms of thier number

where is the dutch Fokker D.XXI for the french tree? it is already a premium for the fins, why couldnt you just copy and paste it for the french tree so the netherlands has a little bit more than just a singular plane?

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do you see the list of changes made? thats not anywhere near halfed baked

Why you don’t want to play ?

Also the bug witht he interface being frozen after loading into the game is back again, so thats fun.

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Who could’ve seen that coming. can’t have too good french rank 6 tank kek. Using out of service 8.7 round at 9.7 truly very realistic. I cope we will get F2 eventually.

I told you in DM I cannot play right now, and I already have ppl who I can play with

I’m sorry, I’m not interested in playing wt with u

2 Things:

  1. Why are countermeasures on cycle and not ability to make it 2 different binds?

  2. Air, the weapon selector, we know we can ‘collapse’ the menu, but the little square at the bottom of the screen is very annoying, (it can block the bombing reticle), can we please disable it for good?

Edit: I was wrong for point 1 (*was going off friends Stream, since my game couldnt boot and was crashing so couldnt check it out for myself)

So uh. The J-11A can only guide one missile at a time and everyone else can guide a half dozen or more?

Shame. was looking forward to this update

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The ammunition for the 47/L32 and 47/L40 Italian guns has been fixed, as there was an error in calculating armor penetration due to a modifier from APCBC shells being applied to them.

Thanks for having them “fixed” @Ghostmaxi, they really were overperforming.

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you can


What do you have for swapping weapons? I have mb4 and mb5 for swap primary and secondary but your setup seems more optimal

2 in my numrow

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There is ZERO, NADA, NON, WWII ground vehicle added…


Damn… they could’ve at least added another Sherman