Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Changelog

Are you blind? I selected full amount of flares I was allowed and still didn’t get those 48 chaffs.

Well…if they actually release an update without stuff like this happening it would be great but they not even bother checking out stuff before release?

seems rushed release to me

looking at the second and third picture, I see what you mean, weird

No, it has 58 chaffs

sure buddy

Fired 58 so yeah

what do you mean by what happened to them?

Did they buff it up to the proper range for the APG/63v1?

Range is now 88 km

They need to add Buk Air Defence System

Tunisia is now yet another ruined map. The hill-to-hill sniping that many participated in ( but did not impact other parts of the map) is now gone.

It’s largely been reduced to short-range engagements like everything else.
At least you don’t have to worry about researching laser rangefinders any more.


No way, send a screenshot there is no way they made it only 88km

What even is that

AGM missile

Well, Gaijin said in the Devblog its getting then…

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Dude I googled it and it’s a SAM

@Smin1080p So the changes that were for countermeasures so the gr1 and IDS can get true chaff count still isn’t ready i guess then any time frame on that


Type 88 Surface to ship missile has 180km range, has now been added for Japan.

two decades. minimum, you will be ARE happy with that

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Anyone interested in lime green smoke launchers?