Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Changelog

Thank you for listening! I think 60m is a good middle ground

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Fix Antialiasing and DLSS, add DLAA.


Thank you A LOT for listening to us once again and correcting the stock AIM-9L situation at Top Tier! o7

Italy doesn’t have 2A7V HU, Italy just has 2A7HU!

Nice Upgraded Baz dont have its v1 radar (no TWS no 8 DL) and No HMD

Good job :)


Omg lol

Italy now is better than USA.

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It is now better than the manufacturer’s country itself. Because 2A7HU + Jas-39C

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Where did half the CMs go? Max 64 flares at 13.0 lmao



i wonder why Vextra’s APFSDS changed to 105F1? Where is the F2?

fix yo stuff

Finally some proper representation of the F-15’s radar

Crew voices have an echo. It sounds like they are in the bathroom.
The generic English voices are OK, but the nation-specific ones echo…

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mirages got their CM’s “corrected”, but some got large scale CM pods, not sure if the 5f did

Does it affect physics of driving model or is it purely visual change?

Could you check for me, have they happened to fix any of the Abrams issues?

Like the fuel tank bulkhead thicknesses and geometries or the turret ring armor.


Stop the updates and add the Buk Air Defence System

It’s missing 48 chaffs it says it has.

@Smin1080p what happend with the Aim-9L/I-1 on the F-4F ICE and also why are the stock AAMs not in the same colour??

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such a scuffed update


It has 58 chaffs