Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Changelog

What is it a keybind for though, I don’t even understand what it’s for to know the name of key bind to find and delete it

Visual weapons select, I believe.

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My god, THANK YOU!

Hi @Smin1080p Just noticed this (it applies to all vehicles), does this mean the Bonus has decrease from 100% to 10% or is this a bug?

This is the bonus for researching the vehicle after it right? Because that has been 10% for a while now.

Yeah, but its always been 100% until this major.

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Darter and derby need urgent rework,FM is not what it should be and they are underperforming by alot making them only viable for close range shots

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Question for all the nations with the auto loader rework. Did all of you get a buff where the autoloader acts as armor for the rounds, or is it just Russian tanks?

China is not allowed to have anything better than what the Russian tree has, it must always get the short end of the stick. Russia is the favorite child so its gets rewarded with whatever it wants meanwhile China gets all of its hand me downs in a worse state.

no womp womp
this did happen tho lmaoo

It happens fucking nonstop, but only with Russia so far. So I’m wondering if it’s a specific nation or a boost to all. Since it’s my anecdotal experience so far.

dont tell me, i dont care

keep saying its common tho thats funny

Each but it’s gonna be a little different when they actually start doing accurate Chinese planes, but till then china players can really only complain. What country do you recommend I grind cause I’m done with china for a while

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Depends which era but ill assume top tier so i’d recommend Germany, Russia, or Sweden they are all meta. Sweden is the only minor nation out of the three but really strong in top tier, as well as quicker to grind.

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Yeah right I got the j11A I just want a break from that and the su cause they’re fun but they’re just not it atm, what are your thoughts on Israel’s f16 cause I got legit no research for Germany or sweeden, half way for USA,Russia and Israel

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they changed it from “110% efficiency” or something like that to now being “+10% bonus”
So the text changed but the bonus is the same.

Thx for the map “fix”… removing hills is such a “great map fixing” now i can spawn camp directly from my own behind spawn map red line border (yes the budlings in the far distance are the ones infront spawn exactly 2110m to enemy losing spawn protection). All you maps fixes only makes spawn camping easier its a no effort way now days.

Can we just revert maps to original states? at least there we could counter 90% of problems/spots

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So much time spend on ruining maps in ways no one asked for, yet we still have maps like this where you can spawncamp from behind spawn.



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Yeah but going behind is actually a effort if you team dont pay any attention to it its fine and fair in my book if someone ended up there (and its quite easy to counter also) and you often have to fight on A side to get there. The problem is where they remove something and made its effortless.