Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Changelog

I don´t understand why they even introduced 16v16 about a year ago in the first place, they always stated that increasing the BR for decompression would lengthen matching time and was thus not acceptable.

But cramming more people on one server and reducing the amount of simultaneous lobbies thus increasing queue times?
Sure go ahead!

Oh the irony

Unfortunately and somehow, I believe to recall back then it was… popular demand by some players lmao

I remember lots of praises on the dev blog comment section, etc.

And some people still like it, which is fine, I guess, to each their own. Some people like to play War Thunder like it’s Ace Combat… except War Thunder is meant to be a more grounded and realistic game with semi-simulation elements (in the Realistic mode), which is not an enviornment where Ace Combat-like gameplay can work.

I mean, some people still enjoy to this day the matches that end after 2 minutes of furball chaos, and who am I to judge… but I think it is them the ones who should enable an option for larger matches.

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That´s something I never quite understood, if you like massive chaos furrballs so much, why don’t they play AB?

But yes being able to just select “Only small lobbies(6v6-10v10)” and “Large lobbies(12v12-16v16)” would be the ideal solution to this problem.

And we´ve got plenty of players for this to be feasible without it making the queue times all that long
(I currently wait 2-8seconds for a match of 13.0 air, roughly doubling that if the playerbase gets “split” would not impact how much I could play WT at all).

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Indeed! All of us would win from this.

As you said, Top Tier has possibly the largest influx of players in the game. Right now, matches don’t even take more than 1 or 2 seconds. I would gladly wait up to 10 seconds if it meant only getting matches I would enjoy.

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Unfortunately I feel like this will fall on tone-deaf ears on Gaijins side, just like the age old BR decompression issue-

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It really sucks in stuff like the Harriers, because by the time you actually get to the battle field, the game is lost

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We have exactly the situation I feared.
In order to nerf the MICA, they simply didn’t fix the damn thing.

It has way too much drag.
This doesn’t only limit its range : it also massively nerfs its speed.

I would be fine with the MICA having its range capped at 50km for the sake of balancing its TVC.
The problem is that the combination of less speed and shorter range makes it inept at BVR.

Simply limiting the range without touching the speed would have been enouth IMO.
That would have made it slightly faster than AIM-120 but with less range, which sounds like a good tradeoff.

Right now trying to use MICA in BVR is shooting yourself in the foot and that’s pretty damn sad to me.

Unfortunate, but lower speed could mean it pulls actually harder than if it was it’s full speed.

…what the hell are you talking about ?
Missiles have their maximum pull when they have high speed, not low speed.

The MICA stalling 30km away is in no way an advantage.

Ah yes I forgot to say there are almost no scenarios where the MICA will even reach 50km to begin with due to its insane energy loss.

i think he means “turn” and not pull.

at high speed a shallow turn can give the same G’s as a sharp turn at low speeds. so at lower speeds it can turn quicker but wont have the same range and at higher speeds it will have longer range but turn slower (until fuel runs out and it slows down).

I also think this is a bug that has already been reported, i remember seeing something about the ranges and turn rates of the new ARH missiles but can’t find it at the moment.

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I am perfectly aware of that.

Except a missile’s energy is its speed.
Without speed a missile can’t do anything, it can’t climb it can’t turn it can’t catch up to its target.
A missile without speed is useless in combat.
There is no benefit to turning a few degrees sharper if the missile can’t catch up to the target.

That whole argument is insane to me.

BVR is about giving your missile as much energy as possible so it can reach your target with as much speed as possible so it can catch up if it turned around or manoeuver if it’s trying to dodge.
Not to mention higher speed means the target has less time to react and you don’t have to babysit the missile for as long.

If you want to have a missile that manoeuvers better, you don’t make it slower, you give it bigger fins and stronger actuators.

There is simply no benefit to making a slower missile.

i mean, generally yes, i agree.

the only thing in that statement i’m not really agreeing with is

as if you are going to fast then you can’t maneuver as sharply, so if the missile already has caught up to the target and needs to follow a sharp maneuver at close range then a bit of sharper turn rate is helpful.
that however can’t really be designed into it unless you give the missile throttle control and let it also decide over fuel use throughout its flight and other things like that.

So in general higher speed is almost always better.
But none of this was a part of my original argument. look at my post as if it was made in a vacuum and made as a general statement more than a statement on the specific missiles discussed.

You have a big misconception.

If the missile goes fast, the degrees per second the target is pulling becomes divided thanks to the higher speed of the missile.
The faster the missile, the less time the target has to turn.

This is exactly why staying fast is the rule in higher ranks where missiles are everywhere.

The faster the missile, the harder it is to dodge.
The slower the target, the easier it is to hit.

It’s all about relative change in angle over time.

Didn’t they say it was based on content creators and youtube comments? If you ever wanted a reminder just how little it matters what we say on here and how much they don’t care about our feedback.

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i honestly didn’t even consider that, huh. Nice, thanks :) makes sense :)

they are probably working on it

Are sound mods still broken?

Yeah, the same way they are working on bomber cockpits.

How do I turn off this stupid fucking Left shift A thing. It’s completely screwed up my whole god damn button layout and I’m tired of dying because I can’t flare because gaijin has yet again made a QOL change worse for gameplay.

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Go into options, find the keybind, assign something else or leave it blank. Don’t forget LShift-D, too (and LShift-Q if you use Q for rudder controls like I do).