Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Changelog

Eh taking more ammo was one of the few things the 11.7 Abrams tanks were good at compared to tanks like the 2A7s and Strv 122. They didn’t and still don’t have a whole lot more going for them beside the reload.

Taking more ammo also meant you could avoid the objectives longer, which is honestly a place you don’t want to be on in an Abrams (with how easy they are to kill or even one shot.

Fair enough, doesn’t make any sense why the new ammo arrangement is the way it is. Also, didn’t the Abrams have blowout panels on all of its ammo storage? (IRL)

Scope magnification for every tank should be customizable by player.

Guess which tanks were the easiest to one shot? Granted not every match will result like that but i think picture is quite clear.

Another example, its not like Us teams are that bad its the fact most player base Us fight together are dont even know what they are doing, people loves to claim Us players are bad but most matches i played actually shows the opposite.

Here, this is what happens when Us teams up with proper players from other nations.


Having played mostly Israel and Italy after this update, I can definitely say that a very large part of the US playerbase at top tier is absolutely braindead, however that is also very much the case for very large parts of the Russian and German playerbases at top tier.

It’s just that the Russian playerbase has the safety net that is the BVM damage model and armor in general and the german playerbase has the safety net that is the absolutely bonkers 2A7V. Playing the Strv 122s or 2A7s seriously feels like playing the game on easy mode.

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This is why most Us players looks like braindead.

Unlike those tanks M1 series are not easy mode and reqiures much higher skill level, i witnessed many times that Abrams players ambushed those tanks and only resulted getting killed by them because of how stupid T90M/80BVM,Strv122 and Leopard2A7V’s are.

Granted other nations also suffer from same issue but as we know most minor nations getting played by more skilled players, average player will always suffer against those tanks (even skilled players will suffer from time to time because of armor and damage model).

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It’s only part of it. A large part of the US playerbase simply has abysmal game sense and situational awareness. Just like a large part of the Russian/German playerbases.

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Average playerbase is always like that, you cant expect every single nation players to have really good game sense or situational awareness, even i do stupid things from time to time despite i consider myself a good player.

As you said Russian, German and even Swedish players also tends to do that, difference is they have much better tanks that require almost zero skill at top tier.


getting killed by them because of how stupid T90M/80BVM,Strv122 and Leopard2A7V’s are.

Tanks with incredible advantages compared to every other 11.7 but seeing as fighting them head on isn’t a viable option with how frontally armored these tanks are, it would be best to flank and get a simple point and click towards the crew cabin, or even crippling it enough to get a follow up shot, but not these guys. Its outrageous the way these tanks survive such damage and keep going like nothing happened and its all because of those fucking spall liners. Why add them if only select nations get them.


That, also the fact most of maps doesnt even have proper flanking routes which decreases your chance to avoid head-on engagements with those tanks.

If only map designs were better this situation would’ve been less issue, but apperently gaijin doesnt like proper big maps that has multiple flanking routes or sniping positions.

As for the Spall Liners they should’ve added to every single tank that has but as usual they didnt.


My most annoying part is invariably I’ll bitch in game when I side shot a Leo and it barely hurts the crew or internals and then it turns and shoots my Abrams because my front except a small section is complete glass. Them some German or Swedish main will pipe up about “skill issue” and you go and look and yeah their stats are pretty good in Leo’s and Strv’s.

However, if you’re lucky they’ll also have played the US and I can say without any bullshit 7-8/10 their US top tier stats are actually complete and utter shit. Like worse than mine, or roughly equal to. So, to me I feel fully vindicated that it is the better teams and tanks, and not them specifically because when they hop into my tank… they do just as shit.

Of course, they’re completely oblivious to this reality and their gods gift to war thunder… while playing Germany and Sweden.

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What is weird is that there appears to be a difference between tanks in test drive and in live battle for some reason, which adds to the already weird inconsistencies.

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R.I.P challenger 2, he had a long struggle with russian bias and finally succumbed to his injuries. :(

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You might have ‘reference’ turned on while test-driving.

In test drive the ammo is stored at the top.


In a match it’s at the bottom.


Could just be a visual bug but why is there a discrepancy between a test drive and a match?

Damn, that’s very weird

When’s the dev severs going to be open? I can’t find information anywhere about it.

Yeah I noticed this with my Merkava Mk.3s. In the test drive it had the racks behind the engine filled but in game it had the normal ammo rack order.

However unfortunately the Abrams ammo rack order is screwed in both test drive and normal battles.

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The update is already out? There is no more Dev servers until the next major

There’s some weird behaviour with ammo placement, it’s actually lethal with vehicles that have nothing but empty space for survivability. Love to see the ammo that should be neatly stacked in one corner of the crew compartment being spread out just to maximise the chance of it being hit

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