Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Changelog

Anyone agree with this or just me? And are these things happening to anyone else with the countermeasures

is the dev server up yet or no im still waiting because its saying “account authorization failed”

it got shut down since the proper update is out

so we cant play it anymore?

Was playing for an hour or so after the update and then started getting crashes due to EAC “Authentication timed out (1/2)”. No luck with any troubleshooting guides, cannot repair it through the .exe cause playing from Mac. Any idea how to fix it?


Breaks the game on Mac :(


Got the same issue.

Cool update, well done!
Naturally some bugs followed though, I noticed the CR Mk.2 has a faulty gunner sight, which the AMX-50 Foch has as well(commander sight too). The T-80U-E1’s NSVT MG is constantly aiming a bit above the aiming ring, both when used as an MG and when selected as primary weapon.
Might make bug reports later if nobody else has already by then.

Great update innit

would loved it more if they fixed the 6.7 problems

was a sarcasm i literally cannot play due to snail mending with spaghetti code

I already post the issue here EAC Authentication timed out on Mac

oh damn rip mate

nice, thank you

On what is the focus? It’s probably the most barebones expansion to date, aside from missiles there is almost nothing being added.

Why is the only Cold War Dutch airplane in this update getting more Belgian skins than Dutch ones? Every Belgian aircraft the Dutch also used only receives additional Belgian liveries. For an update meant to highlight Benelux, it feels more like “Belgium and Friends.” It especially seems like the Hunter was originally supposed to be Belgian this update, as this seems to be the only reason a Dutch aircraft would receives Belgian liveries and not a single belgian one gets dutch camos. As a non-Belgian Benelux player, this update is quite disappointing since it barely represents Benelux.


F-15C got its 8x missile guidance but despite being reported the Fa2 and F3 are still only 2.

Mig-21 BISON got a full finished cockpit HUD, but the FA2 still has the Harrier Gr3 HUD like the FRS1 still does.

They couldnt even be bothered to C&P the big tanks recently added to the F3 late over to the F3, not too mention all the other Tornados

They also added the Split CMs, a bit part of which was to enable assymetrical CM loads but didnt actually bother adding said assymetrical CM loads.

It is a rather mediocre update and they’ve rendered all the new aircraft (for sim at least) unplayable due to the lack of HUD symbology. I guess we’ve got to wait 18 months,

On the bright side, Namer is suppossed to carry two additional Spikes on the hull according to statcard, they are even modelled in the X-Ray on the hangar.

On the other hand… these are not present when you load into a match/test drive. xD?

EDIT: fixed in hotfix, nice!

The BR compression on this patch is outrageous, period.
No chance you could fight a FOX3i with FOX1, with same chassis.

Just like the invisible supply guys that magically replenish your vehicle with ammo, there’s invisible medics thst patch your injured crew members up…
Jeez… there’s always gotta be someone complaining.