Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Changelog

F-15C does have 2x AIM-9M as stock, only the F-15A doesn’t have it.

Could be worse/better, the Desert warrior pulls from it’s tow ammo racks asymmetrically, so literally unplayable smh

Why is the change for every MiG-23 variant even though the MiG-23 BN dosen’t have a rader?

I don’t see how anyone is supposed to play air at this point, unless you spend GE on modules you need to grind out hundreds of thousands of RP in a plane that cannot compete, especially since they seemingly copy pasted planes just so you can grind them again for missiles.

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Yeah… F3 Late im not gunna touch for a while.

Sea Harrier FA2 I was gunna have a crack at, but its been rendered nearly unplayable in Sim with the placeholder HUD. But can at least edge skirt with bombs. Im guessing im just going to spend this update in lower stuff or stick with the Gripen. That should be more fun now it has BVRs

So low tier german vehicles just became more viable and the maus can more reliably take out tracks and barrels with the 75. Love to see it!


I just grinded out fox3 on f16c in 3 games using only 9m

Best change of the update

☹ Pal I’m not trying to complain, I really do think that people are too hard on the devs most of the time, I was just voicing an opinion which I rarely do. Ultimately I am happy with it since the majority of players voted for it. I see your point, which is fair. I could argue to justify my side further but I see no point in it. I’m not trying to annoy anyone or make enemies. I generally enjoy playing games for the experience, not just to win. That’s all.

or like the strf9040 bill, his missles now drop a meter after launch

You’re not playing a nation that got an entire copy paste jet in order to carry these new missiles, or god forbid a Phantom.

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Plus one of only three countries with a viable top tier light tank.

Sounds are terrible right now.
I don’t know what kind of “clarity” you are talking about in changelog, but right now sound is extremely dirty and echo-y, feels like you are sitting inside metal barrel. All explosion sounds lacking clarity and have extremely dirty bass, like it’s not a shock wave but a thunderstorm 10 km away. Engine sound of teammates surrounding you is just monotonous hum without any details. Sound of shell impact is significantly louder than sound of a gun - even if both gun and impact are within 50 meter distance from you. Artillery is just horrible.

On top of that it is broken again and effects are missing / overwhelmed it seems. Like when there are a lot of sounds around - your missile launches without any sound whatsoever.

To be fair, the BILL is under BR’ed anyway

It really isn’t lmao

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Excuse me, what happened with the new cockpits models for the Ju 87s ?



Anyone else graphics settings got messed up cuz mine did and now i run at 60FPS instead of 80FPS yet it looks far worse



why is the Narmer 30 dying when the ammo on the turret is destroyed
that’s not how that work gaijn