Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Changelog

Too bad the round still completely lackluster in performance.
Not only does it not work as AP projectile since it will just detonate on impact with the thin aircraft skin, completely negating it’s purpose, but the damage is still a complete joke.

Such a shame that most of this update is unfinished. Was expecting at least basic stuff to have been added, but looks like the focus was 100% on the major nations again and the minor nations are gunna have to wait 18 months for things to get finished once again

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This is the stats for the premium M-1

Overall a nice update with a lot of QoL changes and cool new vehicles. Especially happy with the Vextra, Desert Warrior, Namer, G.I and ui changes.

However, I’m quite dissappointed about how the Benelux air subtree is handled, especially the Dutch side. I don’t care much about the Dutch being in the French tree (minor allied like Italy is minor axis I guess), but I do care about this:

  • No D.XXI while the model is readily available is weird to me
  • Regarding skins, Netherlands really is getting the short end of the stick. A multitude of Belgian skins, but not a single Dutch one for Meteor, F-104 and F-16 is a real shame.
  • Only 1 unique model is not great honestly. South Africa should be the benchmark for subtrees in my opinion.

That being said, the Fokker G.I is awesome and still happy with Dutch representation in game. But I hope the points above will be rectified very soon.


Ty! So the engine are the same, yet Chinese one has better turn time albeit having more visible drag causing stuff, then US N-15

Yeah it’s in the Xbox store now, thanks for the reminder.

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It has the clipped wings, which helps.

They both do

B… but you did… and…

And it’s possible!

I am now re-arranging all of my crew losts. VERY neat change, finally!


Oh, I think they would be the same when spaded then

Checked wt wiki, the US one does have 15kph top speed advantage while new Chinese one has 2 seconds turn time advantage according to statcard you showed, both spades

Quite strange

oooooh nice nice! I need to rearrange so many line ups now, after I finishing grind for the Shar that is

No idea then, my guess is the Chinese one is lighter somehow.

Same hahah!

For example: pre-re-arranged American lineup VS re-arranged American lineup:

I can’t log on, but do they all get stock missiles now like stock APFSDS with top tanks?

Maybe. All wikipedia says between the 2 is tailwhell linkage, cockpit floor, radio+fuel system changes, and more “minor changes”

@SPANISH_AVENGER if you had no power how did you send the message? just curious.

Because it was restored xD

I was without power for 2 hours, but then it was solved…

I’m a LT enjoyer, So I’ll probably rearrange LT > 2nd spawn > 3rd spawn (etc) > CAP > CAS > SPAA 1st spawn (etc)

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nice i was just curious

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