Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Changelog

Has anyone noticed the 120mm equipped Abrams’ got the M908 shell? I either missed it in the changelog or it wasn’t in the changelog

Game freezes after a couple minutes since the update. Anyone else experiencing this?

what is the use of the flare/chaff slider, if you can not implement sliders gaijin, you messed it up with the fuel sliders, and now with the chaff sliders

what a stupid comment

Why is this necessary? Backups are such a trivial part of the game and now they’re given an obnoxiously prominent location in the hangar and in the game.


But spawnpoints still have the same importance as the game version hidden in the corner of the screen?



this was done in a previous patch Update

That’s base-fuse HE, right?

thats a single map. and fun fact no longer the case. That map was also changed once again. Essentially every map has

Just as one of the exaples why I say it is absolutely essential to list such changes is American Dessert and Sinai (Smal)

On it the meta in higher BRs was to destroy the houses around the C cap to stop the enemy from flanking your spawn and setting up a defense in the area.
Now these houses take multiple 120mm shells to destroy instead of just a few pieces of the APFSDS shrapnel or 20-30mm cannon rounds.
This makes spawncamping, via a lighttank rush from the north side of the map, once again one of the strongest tactics on that map, as you have cover for the entire way until you reach the rock formations near the enemy spawns. This has completely changed the meta on the map for the worse.

On Sinai (smal) the houses around the C cap are now also nolonger destructable by 20 and 30mm cannons and sections of them not at all. This makes pushing the cap extreamly hard for the nroth team, as the enemy has 10-20 ambush points of hard to or impossible to destroy cover.

I was looking forward to the image UI. Why did you cancel it?

  • Some ships in naval battles have a large amount of different weapon types, and pressing individual buttons to select them could be tedious. We’ve added a simple CTRL + E default bind to cycle through weapons with ease. Console players can access this through the circle menu and customize this keybind.

We want to give console players one-click switching too, so they don’t have time to open the circle menu in the middle of a fight.

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Apart from butchering the maps to flat cqb parts and another time not listening to feedback not addressing most needed quality of life request.
You even menage to make crew voices terrible now… and the female one sounds like a old guy recorded with 0.5 speed and the pitch is… just wow…
Its like you stoped even caring about this game that is in dire need of physics and graphical update from ages now (smoke/bushes can kill up to 40fps on average pc - you still did nothing to it). Bushes and trees resurrecting invisible objects on maps tank pops out from thin air and more.
UI - stop cluttering our screens with stupid stuff like this “sound modification enabled” (even if i don’t have any) red text etc…
How about stop focusing on fomo/premium spam and actually do something to improve player experience and retention.

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If something is broken thing, not matter how fancy cover it got, it’s still as a broken thing…

I never dreamed that the mappers would manage to do such a destructive job on the Tunis map as they did, after the last updates on different maps. Have you ever played it at all? Have you tried it? In particular, the first and second sectors are unplayable and you can’t do anything other than rush straight to the point in open ground. You can’t go back, there are no covers, and if that wasn’t enough, there are small hills around the rocks that test the cannon descent. … Specifically, the game/battle is about going to thecapture point and join/getting into the meat grinder… almost like every updated level… unplayable and unenjoyable… after 2-3 rounds I decided to leave the ground vehicles where they are and I only play with planes because recently the cartographers have managed to transform the old tried and tested courses into sh*tty maps that only ex-World Of Tank mappers can do it before… specifically, it’s not worth it for me to spend a single penny on a premium tank after that… just for a plane… it worked, you will achieve that. Thank you that very much.

As a software test Engineer, i say if this mass destruction on maps case, which happend/happening since 2022, written down in requironments … and theres requironments are fullfilled i storngly consider to kick out the worker who stand behind theres brain**** ideas… because every map fit for one pattern they are unplayable by the concept.

If the requironments are not fullfilled, i strongly consider to release they update because need to rethink the concept.
Now i strongly thinking to learn SDK tool and implement old good map int the game as a custom map…

Let’s check and analyse what mean the ground forces map update in reality with a veteran player eye…:

Sweden : the concrete barriers worked as a cover not a dead end for players if you know the map concept it provided yourself an advanvantage… now no covers of course you can back much faster but enemy able to encircle you in CQC and less cover in streets… bad decision.

Middle East: Not matter how it try to fix and remove camping position… map are small and force player to take part on a meat grinder on mid… and the winner team will break through and rally on opposite team’s spawn point…

Campania: What a pity in realistic game mod you can’ tuse as a cover and hide inside it GJ again…

Sands of Sinai: not matter how try to fix it bettween mid and spawn huge openend fields exist without covers so if lost one point waste to bring an other vehicle…

Tunisia : ‘the terrain for the large version of missions ([Domination #2], [Battle #2]) on this location have been changed.’ Why need a large version same result got like in small version except waste 2-3 min while take camping points on hills which earn fast in small version…
’ Places where tanks appear on the left side of the map have been changed. ’ and happend again a brain dead idea … why because force the left top side players to rush the bridge on full opened field without cover. the huge hill on C2 D2 force the players to avoind to go B point… ‘The height of dunes has been adjusted’- Why? Not needed just force players to avoid them thanks to they height angle

‘The passage in grid square D1-E1 (in the new grid) has been made easier’ - To force players to Rush A…nothing other reason … and that allow the enemy to make counter attack more easily…

‘‘the overlooking rock positions have been changed, the rocks which formed a dead end on the edge of the game area have been removed’’ -Yes just make more openend the spawns what a pity…

Carpathians Not matter how to try fix it team who capture the hill in first minutes they can hold it and spawn campings during all battle … In old version to capture the hill much harder thanks to one spawn point and to allow to flank the C point make the battle much intresting…

That’s my oppinion.


Opening the scoreboard now seems to lock your controls so you can’t control your vehicle when looking at the scoreboard anymore.

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Sorry but what is the point of having an option to play 12v12 in air battles if you will get 16v16 battles regardless of your choice ?


send in a bug report if there hasnt been one already, if it is wrong they will most likely correct it

YES YES YES!!! my precious Huey cockpits are here!

Just so you know: A couple of things I did not like about this new update:

I don’t like the way the eyes turned into crosses… It just gave me the creeps by only looking at them… I am a proud atheist you know? And turning my tank into an orthodox church is simply a “No way Jose” for me… Sorry… But now I have nightmares… What my tank could turn into next?

The crew sound on the tanks are awful now (Are they talking underwater now?) One of the things I loved on the tanks are the Finish and German voices, and the way they are now is exactly the opposite I always loved on this game

It’s all for now… I’ll let you know if any of my ships turned into a penguin


Interesting bug but…

I see the phrase about vegans and atheists is quite true.


I saw someone on Reddit say that your decals swap to the ones the last person you killed had. Here is the post.

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The Modifier is also applyed to APC rounds, as the protective cap protects from shattering → Better penetration. But not Apbc rounds, thats merly a metal sheet over the cap to improve ballistic propertys.

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No it doesnt? You can check it yourself here: