Major Update “Hornet's Sting” — DEV Server Changelog (10.03.2025)

They accept that the pod can track aerial targets, but not slave the radar to the sensor’s line of sight, or do so while guiding a missile.

But that’s the thing, and the is the opposite of what the report is actually claiming, or the inverse of what the changelog is actually implementing.

it’s that the sensor can keep tracking a target cued by the LOS of the radar. For example; if the target was to enter the notch.

It only touches on slaving the Radar to Sensor’s LoS to make the point that the sensor doesn’t interrupt missile guidance in any way, and that it satisfies Launch requirements (for some modes) as well.

it’s also surprising that the ATFLIR report was actioned in just under an hour while the F-14B / TCS report has sat there for just over 18, now even though it was created first.

So it’s obvious that reports aren’t being handled on a “First in, First out” basis

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They Usually handle any report they consider disprovable first it seems, As Ive seen 2 reports go up about a issue around the same time, and the one with improper sources get taken down immediately while the other was left untouched for (at the time) weeks

that explains a lot

why are the hornets wing-tip pylons missing when sidewinders aren’t loaded? all hornets fly with those even if unarmed is Gajin goofy?

Nice! the Targeting-pods now has a max range of 30km :D

Very cool for SIM Air/EC maps and was needed for the glide munitions, but that is going to make things so much harder for SPAA in top tier Ground RB… it’s going to be a rough couple of months (longer?) until better SPAA is added for top tier.


I suspect it is almost ready. They wouldn’t have done this if it weren’t, I would wager.

OS2U-1, OS2U-2, TBD-1, B-18A and PBM-1

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I certainly hope so, at this point there are to many planes that have access to munitions that quite easily outrage SPAA without much effort from the pilot. Sure, SPAA can shoot them down but after that has no way to fight back or take the plane out (which i why i think they added so that munition takedowns will give you rewards now).

I can’t help feel the slight… Convenience this buff is coming with the addition of a soviet top tier multirole with a tpod. Especially as theyll be one of the main beneficiaries of having longer lock ranges with the KH-38.

But yes. It’s a good chance within ASB, just wish the aircraft I normally played could make use of it fully (sad brimstone 2 noises)

Well, you could either have it come in with the Su 34 prior, and folk would have been spitting if that were the case. Or we could bring it in with only really the Rafale being able to take advantage of it with a thermal pod and AASMs.

I suspect it’s just an easy increase before the coming AAs. Make folk miffed with the cas buff, then happy with the new AAs.

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I hope other nations get good AA’s but there is still the factor of people need to actually be good at playing AA’s even playing USSR I see so many Pantsir drivers look so confused and then eat a Brimstone or GBU because they just don’t know where to look or what is happening around them, and unfortunately no amount of god tier AA’s will help with that issue

How do you know we’re not eating brimstones because we feel bad for the pommies

(Or asleep, sometimes we are asleep)

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Ah yes I forgot about that lmao, of course I too spawn in and stare up at the sun to count every pixel I see on it, just to make the brimstone users feel happy once in awhile

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Literally won’t play above 10.3 otherwise I’m simply outranged playing almost all spaa’s, 30/40km munitions vs 10/12km AA’s and realistically it’s about 7/8km effective before the missile becomes unresponsive compared to the aircraft is just not even worth spawning.

I think the AOA override on planes that do not have means of post departure control is a bit silly.

I mean it shouldn’t be able to limiter release AT ALL, it can’t IRL. So gotta enjoy what you can.

Will J-10A even receive the PL-8B?

中国J-10A缺少霹雳-8B // // Issues

which one do you think is good? I found only negative changes (aiming, damage model)

Top tier guns are getting an accuracy buff. British ships will now be able to hit what they aimed at. Rodney is also getting a faster reload. Bots now reward more when you kill them.

Some of the coastal changes are… Okay, but need refinement

Torpedo damage changes don’t sound too bad

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ok, I can agree with this but in general the negative changes dominates (HE spamming is back)