if you gonna nerf the horizontal drive for some tanks, make it for all, or dont even start it. (im not even mentioning the vertical driver on abrams that isnt even on the patch notes)
abrams already have a massive issue with the hydraulic pump (that is in the wrong place) and now this basket?
if i remember correctly, this forum voted for “NO” for stun mechanics, so why abrams is getting a stun mechanic? or you can do anything if you lose engine + horizontal/vertical aim?
It’s been almost a year since I made my report, and over 3 years since XM8 was added without it’s panels. Spookston made the original report over 3 years ago
This is really bad, it’s a critical survivability feature. The only reason why people aren’t screaming from the rooftops is due to it’s status as a rare event vehicle.
Matsu, Grecale, and Warspite are wonderful additions, and the ship damage changes sound quite good too! Also nice to see reworks for three of the game’s best maps. This is shaping up to be one of my favourite patches in a while. :)
Community: “Hey Gaijin,the Abrams has a lot of things wrong,like the turret ring that is not volumetric,the inner turret cheeks generating more spall than intended and the hydraulic reservoir being mistaken with the hydraulic pump,all reports that you accepted months if not years ago,can you please add these changes?”
Gaijin:" Sure!" Adds the turret basket as the horizontal drive for the tank, crippling it further when hit by a single shot
Honest to God if they don’t add this feature to literally every Top Tier MBT ,NATO or non-NATO, with this update there’s gonna be another review bombing
Stop with this “Two weights,two measures” Gaijin,we are not children