What about the F-14’s? They didn’t have an AoA limiter so there’s nothing to override which should in theory let them act like the aircraft with the AoA overrides.
Also the Eurofighter does have a AoA override of sorts, it has a Manual Pitch Override which would act the same as the AoA override on other aircraft.
If I understand correctly, War Thunder’s mouse aim has a basic inbuilt flight stability feature. This is what you disable when you toggle to full real controls. All aircraft have this assist, even non-flybywire aircraft.
We can already depart controlled flight using this toggle to full real, but sadly you lose the mouse aim while doing so.
@Smin1080p_WT what I would like to see is the ability to disable all flight stability assist features and limiters (like in full real) but still retain mouse aim controls.
“This year we will focus on adding anti air because so many nations need it”
adds rapier (a 10.0 antiair for britain when they dont have a 10.0 lineup and already have tons of 10.0-10.3 AA’s) nerfs otomatic adds more CAS adds more helis leaves
Hey Smin I was wondering if Israel would be getting anything else as part of this update or is the premium Netz the only planned addition?
still waiting on a word on the PzH 2000 Spall Liner and Ammo come on its been 3 months one of the rounds can even be copied over from the Japanese Type 99 or is it forgoten again like some other reports like the Ready Rack on the CR2s
devs server isnt like normal server, it has limited processing time so it would take someone like 10 seconds but for others 5-15 minutes
you can reset and rejoin which can help
what i did^
Still waiting on them to acknowledge this in any way, shape, or form. Even just saying “No this is what it’ll be, suck it up.” would be better because they would at least acknowledge that people are protesting it. And give me a reason to stop caring about playing NAB.
While this system is great, and the idea of easing newer players into naval is really cool maybe we can have a rank limit on this system like we have a limit on scouting in ground rb? If the point is to make it easy while you learn about the other aspects of naval shouldnt leading be taught as well as new naval players progress throught the tech tree? Maybe limit this system to rank I and II?
i got into naval arcade during this current battlepass, i found it a lot of fun and while i didnt start from the start as i have some premuim coastal vessels i have never touched i still had a bit of difficulty getting the aim down, specifically things like changing target lock and what have you. I didnt have a problem with lead, though i play alot of ground and air so i automatically know to lead targets. i did have to figure out other things though so i think if i was completely new i would have found the lead helpful however, as i plan to play more Naval i do eventually wish to get into Naval RB and i can say if i had this automatic lead system from the start and they got into a RB match and have to figure it out it will come as a big learning difficulty as oppose to slower playstyle or ranging system.
(i pray this automatic lead is not a test in naval to implement on top tier vehicles with automatic lead as part of their fcs)