Major Update “Hornet's Sting” — DEV Server Changelog (28.02.2025)


Honest to God if they don’t add this feature to literally every Top Tier MBT ,NATO or non-NATO, with this update there’s gonna be another review bombing

Stop with this “Two weights,two measures” Gaijin,we are not children


Could anyone send a photo of all the new naval vessels please?

Both of these issues have been fixed:

EFT radar producing ghost targets: Community Bug Reporting System

Radar repeat top and bottom bars in scan: Community Bug Reporting System

As well as several others for EFT systems.


Have they fixed the Type 10’s suspension bug? thats been present for 2 years now?

Have they reinstated the T-2’s RWR?



can we get a word on the PzH 2000 reports like Spall Liner and Ammo we are waiting since 3 months at least a we are working on it would be nice


@Stona_WT @Smin1080p_WT

And where?..


They haven’t yet.

I really hope they do. Nothing justifies Type 10 being practically unable to turn ever since it was implemented into the game.


Anything for the Rooivalk getting Mistral HMD Slaving?

How about some other fixes for the Typhoons? Have the cockpit EEGS been fixed? Or what about PIRATE being added to the cockpit MFD so you can use it to ID targets like in real life? (This one should literally just be what the F-14B and Rafale IRST camera do.)


SHar FA.2 dogfighting against Su-30 confirmed? XD

All of these are currently fixed:
EFT radar producing ghost targets: Community Bug Reporting System

Radar repeat top and bottom bars in scan: Community Bug Reporting System
And also for MAWS:


Oh hey, this one is actually very nice!


at this point its clear that gaijin really doesnt care about japan


Almost even after the BUFFs it is still not quite up to par.
It is MUCH closer than it was before though lol.

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What is a double standard? Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce the Gaijin Standard—one rule for the NATO, another for the Mothér Russia.


Maybe we can finally get the Puma VJTF/Namer track blowout fix? Please?


I’m gonna try and do this as pollitely as I can.

No one asked for this. Naval players didn’t ask for this. We didn’t want this. No one ever seems to actually come to us and ask what we want, but we keep seeing changes like this that boggle description. Naval Arcade is already getting more and more difficult to survive when doing high tier coastal due to bot spam and the rapid refresh rates for targeting, and now you drop this one. This is literally game breaking in terms of making naval arcade a no-skills-needed game. One of the great things about NAB is having to still do lead calculations- that has already been nerfed by the rapid/near instant lead calculation, but now this takes any skill out and just leaves it up to AI (which you now have to put all your trust in). It means that, rather than your shells going where you aim them, they now attempt to lead them off to where it thinks you’re trying to aim, which might not be one and the same.

The biggest issue, though, is how much easier this makes it to spam coastal ships, to spam as SKR7 or such, and for bots. This eliminates any skill curve or need to actually learn your ships- hell, it even makes dodging and weaving pointless as your gunners will, apparently, simply automatically adjust lead long as you keep your crosshair on them.

I again implore the gaijin devs to please listen to the naval players and ask for what we actually want. The complaints about the most recent nerf to range adjusting time were not calling for it to be eliminated and replaced with automatic AI work- we wanted it to go back to a slow adjustment.

This kinda thing is what drags on NAB players. NRB is dead/bot filled, NAB is the actually fun and great mode, but it keeps getting killed by every single update, dumbed down further and further. At this point why not just have the AI take over driving the ship? Fuck it, just turn it into an on-rails-shooter like I used to play at the arcade when I was 8.


Instead of making changes like this, a much better approach would be to simply erase the top tanks of other countries and leave only the glorious, unmatched, and totally flawless Russian tanks. After all, why bother with competition when you can just rewrite reality?