Major Update “Hornet's Sting” — DEV Server Changelog (28.02.2025)

HAC certainly did do some trials and passed some trials, in fact there are Tiger HAC manuals.

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It never was adopted and officially cancelled-Not once but twice, this would be better off as an event vehicle than in the tech tree.

Passing some trials=/Passing all trials, therefore it never passed.

This is not a requirement in game. We have many vehicles that were trailed only. The version coming is the French HAC version spesifically. Not the later version which became UHT.


Yak-141? Mirage 4000? I mean I could go on and on.


If this is the case, why did Germany not receive the export of it which is designated PAH-2? Both France and West Germany were candidates. It would certainly make grinding the Helicopter tree for Germany much less lack-luster if this was a pre-requisite to the UHT.

France also already has multiple iterations of the TIGER.

There was no vote on this, so it will be implemented anyway. It doesn’t matter if the actual Naval Arcade players will like this change or not, the devs don’t care and never cared about their opinion.

Notice how everyone who “likes” this change don’t even play Naval Arcade. You can check their profiles and how many battles they have in this game mode. Maybe they think they will like Naval Arcade more after this change, I don’t know. I suspect they will try this new aiming and after a few battles, maybe a few days say something like: “Naval is boring, it’s good I never played it!”, and never touch this game mode again. But some players that actually played and enjoyed old Naval Arcade will quit because of this change. This is what has happened many times in the past. That’s why Naval Arcade is in such a bad shape right now with barely any players left.

It also doesn’t help that the devs “don’t have time” to fix very annoying Naval Arcade bugs that actually cause many players to not understand what is going on.

For example, this is a very old bug I wrote about more than 2 years ago:

Aim inaccuracy with Arcade aiming bug

This is another problem that appeared after “Apex Predators” update. For some reason your crosshair position is no longer properly synchronized with the distance if you use Arcade aiming. Before mentioned update, it was all fine, so you could play by feeling. You can’t do that anymore, you have to look at numbers to figure out where your shells will land.

So for example, aiming this way before “Apex Predators” update would hit the enemy, because I’m aiming the enemy lower hull area with my crosshair.

But after the update, you can see, the guns are set at 6.12km, but the enemy is at 6.18km. This means I will shoot too short! To hit the enemy, I have to move my crosshair much higher, aiming his chimneys in this case, to hit his lower hull area:

This is very annoying bug, that affects long range aiming even more than short range one.

Another example of this problem, at long range:

To hit this enemy, I have to move my crosshair much lower than his position is. Only this way my guns are set to 10.86 km. If I moved my crosshair at him, I would shoot way too far.

Not long later, when the enemy moved a bit and I reselected him, it’s now the other way round:

I have to now aim much higher than the enemy position to hit him. As you can imagine, this is very confusing, because you never know how to aim next time you target lock the enemy (even the same one!). You have to look at numbers, crosshair position is completely useless.

In this case the enemy is barely moving, so it’s still doable. But it is much bigger problem, when the enemy is closing or extending the distance and your crosshair position means nothing.

This bug was never fixed, no one cares about it. You can only guess how many players tried Naval Arcade, but didn’t know about this bug and decided that “Naval Arcade aiming suck, it doesn’t make any sense!”, because they couldn’t understand that your crosshair position is not reliable after the “Apex Predators” update. But this is just a bug. Before this update it worked flawlessly. After this update you have to sometimes make additional correction for this bug, but you first have to know this bug exists and how it works to counter it.

This is the real issue, but who cares about the real issues of this game mode? It’s better to make some completely crazy changes and hope that maybe somehow more players will start playing this game mode.

I don’t even understand how they want to attract more players with this change. Assuming someone already plays Ground Arcade, after this change Naval Arcade aiming will work differently than in Ground Arcade. It will be a disaster for your brain to play both modes at the same time. In Ground Arcade you still need to make a correction for the enemy speed and direction (when he is moving). You don’t shoot where the enemy is, you shoot where the enemy will be when the shell reaches him. After the change in Naval, you will have to shoot where the enemy currently is, even when he is moving (which is illogical, because his position will change in a few seconds, when your shells will land). I play Ground Arcade a lot, and I often shoot at enemies from the side, when they are moving at full speed. I know it will be a problem for my brain to use two different aiming systems in Naval Arcade and Ground Arcade. Currently they work the same way, just the shooting distance is usually different (so the correction has to be bigger in Naval). But at least the logic is exactly the same. It will be crazy to have two different logics. And like I said, I don’t even understand this change, we already have a big green circle on the screen that basically sais “shoot here!”. Somehow this is not enough?


Hey Smin I was wondering if Israel would be receiving anything other than the premium Netz for this update?
Any domestically designed weaponry or possibly a second vehicle?


This update, Germany is receiving the Tiger HAD as a premium. The HAC has been a very longstanding suggestion and request from the French community that we have been aiming to introduce for some time.

As I mentioned previously, suggestions for other variants to introduce in the future are welcome: Heli - War Thunder — official forum


Thanks, sorry for the bothering but I just have one last question.
Is there any official answer on the avionic blocks for all Eurocopters being modeled correctly? Currently many modules are modeled for weapon controls when they are intended to control misc. subsystems. Is there any action being taken?

The modules are currently WIP and reports will be reviewed over the coming days for dev server.


its tomcat tiime

I guess no ;-;

Can we pass a note to the devs about the Harriers flaps. The Harrier 1s do not have flaperons and have a negligible effect on speed.
The devs current change in deployment speeds is spot on.
The only change needed still is their method of deployment.
Harrier flaps Mechanism incorrect // // Issues

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Oh I totally agree. The devs don’t even appear to PLAY naval in the server, and even the update streams barely say a word about naval and what they do say is largely inaccurate. The updates about ships basically don’t actually understand how the ships play out in the game or what they actually get used for, and the BRs for ships are broken and inadequately understood.

We still don’t have a response and I don’t expect we’ll get a proper response. Just like the last update, which I and other protested against, this will go through, the player numbers will drop more, and the devs will shrug and go “Well guess naval isn’t popular” and do even less to improve it, bug fix it, or make new things for it. The major bugs, like the one you posted (been aware of that for a long time myself too) will continue onwards. The BR issues, the issues with certain vessels (like the SKR1/7), the issues with battleships (shell room explosions, spawn range), the bot/cheating issues, will all continue unabated because they’ll just keep abandoning naval more and more.

If they would just speak to the people who main NAB, they could possibly learn what the community wants, what they feel could fix a lot of issues, and what could be done to improve. Rolling back the last couple updates of “range finder work faster” would be a good start, as would the perma-damaged hull breaches, the loss of targeting just due to a small island in the way, and the change in camera placement (it’s getting REALLY annoying figuring out the height of my ship compared to landscape when swapping from bridge camera to sighting camera causes a massive change in placement and elevation). Then work towards actual improvements- making FCS take into account your ship’s placement in comparison, BR decompression, spawnpoint movements, new frigate spawns, new BB spawns, no shell-room explosions, AA tweaking, HE spam fixing, etc etc.

Just talk to us. We’re here. We care about naval in this game. There is no other game that does naval combat this well. Don’t let it become just a clone of WoWS.


when did i say about new vehicles dude? i said to wait so gaijin can give them the new models…

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I do not understand that. The French HAC receives PARS 3 according to the update.

When the only ever existing Tiger HAC was shown at an air show, the PARS 3 didn’t even exist.

How is the Tiger HAC different from the Tiger UHT?

The helicopter had not yet been setup, this has been corrected in a future game version to the French version TRIGAT LR.


I’m sorry if I seem a bit offensive. But the Trigat LR?

A rocket that never existed is now becoming the main weapon of a helicopter?

After the joint Trigat project ended, the Germans developed PARS 3.

Perhaps it corresponds to what France imagined it to be. But probably not, otherwise they wouldn’t have used the Spike.

Seriously, this is like adding Abrahams to the German tree because they previously worked with the US on the XM1 Main Battle Tank Program.

The weapon very much existed: