Major Update “Hornet's Sting” — DEV Server Changelog (10.03.2025)

i think the thing of… people not being able to join the server is a bit more important but yeah probably needs to be looked at

The version in-game is a pure fighter F-18C instead of F/A. Finnland did service a Hornet with CAS capability called the F-18C MLU 2 but why they didn’t add this one in the first place is beyond me

It makes extra sad that only cas option at top rank for Sweden is JAS39C with also quite limited arsenal in compare to other nations multi-role jets

I have been having "failed to load user profile"for the last 12+ hours or so.

(not that I spent all those hours trying to log in. Tried yesterday night and multiple times this morning and I never got in during these attempts)

same here now i need to download another 9.8gbs???

Can someone get to work on an Australian skin for the F/A-18A please and thank you :)

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it would be cool but i think we will have to wait till the update comes out

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even if i just get it thought about before the update I’ll call it a success haha

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yeah but they might screw around with the model more/files so could stop the work from happening

I wish I understood all that kind of stuff better, it’s so damn confusing lol

yeah thats why i don’t do it… but ik a bit about the coding side and also GAIJIN

In regards to pending PzH 2000 fixes, can i have someone from staff finally look at these reports, regarding the Hungarian version’s c&p incorrect composite armor ? @Smin1080p_WT

PzH 2000HU wrong composite layout behind driver’s hatch
PzH 2000HU Composite layer on air conditioning unit

Worst part too- they never respond to us. They never reach out to us. They make these changes, the naval community calls them out as bad changes, and then they never respond and march right on with the next bad change. If they’d just respond, create a dialogue, do SOMETHING to actually speak to and hear us out, it could be better. Instead, these changes keep happening, they keep killing the mode (my favourite mode in the entire game too) and we’'re just supposed to suffer right along.

Other people in this thread get responses. Others get at least some acknowledgement. But naval players? Every single dev server we raise our issues with these dumbing-down changes to aiming and gameplay in general, and it just is ignored and patched in anyways. We continue to ask for it to be changed back afterwards, and the response is to just ignore us and push on with their plans to seemingly turn NAB into an on-rails shooter.


With how naval arcade is just a worse naval realistic on live server, it needed something, anything to make it stand out and be easier to play.
When the RB mode is easier to play than the arcade mode, something’s wrong.

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As unpopular as it may sound, I like what they are doing with arcade.

Until now, Arcade was literally the same as RB, except with ships and FCSs being faster.

Now, Arcade is an environment where casual and non-naval players can more easily dive in to give Naval a chance, while Realistic is finally, well, the Realistic alternative.

Sometimes even I will play the new Arcade if I’m feeling lazy/more casual than usual, hahahah.

But the crown jewel for naval this update is bots giving the same RP and SL rewards as players. That alone makes me finally want to play naval again.

Are the BR changes to the helicopters intended?

I’m currently amazed at an Israeli AH 60 with 16 spikes on 10.7 and I’m wondering how this came about?

Or a K 52, which is now supposed to be causing mischief on 11.0.

While by the way the Tiger HAD and the UHT remain on 12.0 (where they belong).

I see germany gets meh stuff

So why Gaijin choose not to fix ariete’s armor while they’re preparing to sell a prem one? They can remove the unhistorial DM53 round and fix the armor, then put it to 11.3. That can make Ariete more realistic and better selling.


Okey so Tiger HAD Block 2´s thermals got nerfed from Gen 3 to Gen 2.

Interesting. So only KA 52 is now playable. Cool

EDIT: But know France has the Tiger from Germany with same armament and same camera on top of the heli