So, um, how about doing this for HMS Churchill too, while you’re at it. You replaced it as the British reserve DD without giving new players any way to get it. (Also took away HMS Montgomery as a premium.) Yeah, I know it’s a very situational vehicle (trust me, I know, it’s the French rank I tank of naval). Still, why not be consistent here?
it takes time to fix things
Nah, just that the mode requires no skill to play ;)
Would this be a buff or a nerf because Gaijin refuse to buff the xm885 to is historically accurate penetration
They clearly don’t want anyone with brain to play Naval Arcade.
I have been playing this game mode since 2020 and had the best fun before all these strange changes were added in recent years. I think many other players feel the same way, because Naval Arcade queue waiting times were so bad in last months that the devs had to add more bots to this game mode. Two or three years ago I never had such problems finding matches in Naval Arcade. These days boats are almost completely dead (which is not surprising after the devs decided to add different damage model for ships and make them pretty much unkillable for boats, but keep them together in the same battles). But to be honest, even ships are not in a good shape.
Pretty much all updates from recent years made Naval Arcade less and less enjoyable. We have finally reached the point where I will stop playing Navy altogether. I haven’t played Naval too much anyway in recent months, after many (in my opinion) very negative changes. Unfortunately the devs don’t want to withdraw from any of them, even when they lose players. They try more and more changes that take the skill away from this game mode to possibly attract new players, but this approach hasn’t worked so far. But they definitely lost many older players and players who liked to use their brain a bit.
So, in my opinion, Naval is in such bad shape now because Gaijin has made a lot of bad decisions over the years. And somehow they continue down this path, hoping for a different outcome. Well, good luck!
I can’t check, but it looks like the gun just has a different name, and not different characteristics.
gaijin wouldnt change the xm885 because “the gun is different” when its just the name or some like that yk
I thought it was my internet.
F14 gonna get aim7p
Gaijin: lmao no
Just checking in, is anyone else having issues entering the dev server at the current moment?
yeah, one of the Manager’s said there looking into the Problem but there’s no ETA on when it’ll be fixed, keeps giving me “Failed to Load Player Profile”
@Smin1080p_WT Hey, Do you know if there’ss anything else planned for Israel expect the Premium Netz for this update?
Just a name change but means it can’t get Delta 6 in the future.
Instead of adding the turret basket change, something like a bustle door malfunction would probably make more sense or both idk.
When’s the maintenance ending?
hello does anyone know when the dev server will be up again
dev server is back up