Was thinking the same thing. Looking forward to putting it through its paces on the dev server and see if it works well or has been… butchered and needs refinement
What does it imply? Being able to pull up and maneuver vertically without losing locks on the horizon, if I understand correctly?
It means you can tilt the radar up and down while the position stays the same relative to your aircraft’s nose.
Can I say how much I like the ground additions in this update? Please, more of this Gaijin. More WW2 and Cold War stuff. The endless rush to top tier can be tiring
Oh, so the opposite kinda, hahah. Got it, thanks!
@Smin1080p_WT sorry for bothering but can the A-7E receive some love and have some missing weaponry added to it given that it had the same options as the F-18A ( being AIM-9L, AGM-65F and AGM-62ERDL) and was on decks with it at the same time? It’s extremely powercrept and now would be the perfect time to fix that.
Thanks G,
AGM-65F: Community Bug Reporting System
AIM-9L: Community Bug Reporting System
The AGM-62ERDL has not been reported yet but exists in all manuals for it, should be easily accessible.
Let the old SLUF have sum luv))
Hey Smin is there any update regarding the Abrams bug reports still waiting for implementation that are like a year old ? They took the time to model the turret basket which is modeled incorrectly are they just ignoring the bug reports?
are the dev server’s still unable to be Login to?
most people are able to but i cant get into the dev aswell. made a support ticket but still silence
I saw one of the form manager’s say they’re looking into the Problem, and that its unknown when it’ll be resolved, but the original post was deleted for some reason, hopefully whatever the issue is, can be resolved soon
This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.
Germany codeveloped the tiger with france. Italy has nothing to do with the tiger and spain isnt a subtree of italy either
So both Italy and Britain get updated tornadoes but still not Germany?
Wait, are they really trying to sell Ariete with “heavy air” armor? Omg Gaijin, where is your conscience?
Fix the damn armor!
PS also Italy is still the only nation in WT without a single squadron vehicle.
Same here. Damn, I just got home and was looking forward to checking it out.
Hello, Gaijin team.
How about a Heli EC update for lower BR bracket, where the Gepards are replaced with something less lethal? There are lots of helicopters under 9.0 BR that are getting destroyed by them before being able to even engage the convoys, it’s been an issue for far too long.
Wait they put the breech armor backplate as a part of the vertical drive aswell? Well that’s cool to know I guess.
@Smin1080p_WT Are there any plans to add fuel tanks to planes that still haven’t received them and for those that don’t have all of them ? It’s already been several updates that no plane has received them.
This has nothing to do with a new vehicle it’s with vehicles added more than a year ago in a lot of cases. This is a planned nerf that doesn’t make any sense. Not some WIP model that needs fixing.
In fact, there are not so many bots in arcade battles, usually up to 5. Sometimes there are none at all, I am now writing about 6.7 - 7.0
The only thing that personally irritates me about bots is that they constantly crash into you and seem to have an inflated mass. Because when playing on a battleship, you can be turned around by a bot on a destroyer