still wrong HMD, ewww
Im still waiting for the tech tree BMD-4 that was promised awhile ago
Considering how slow chaff moves I’m baffeled by the notion of a low grade pd holding lock on ANY amount past the initial drop, but whatever
From what I remember, Smin just said that it’ll be a BMD, not specifically a BMD-4, so it may very well be a BMD-1.
If we dont get a BMD-4 its going to be stupid we have the 2 main modern BMD variants with 1 bring an event vehicle the other being a premium
technically, 2S25 Sprut-SD is BMD-4 with 125mm gun
so where F14D
And TGP imagery on central MFD even without TGP mounted…
Not a bug. Developer’s response:
Not only does this projectile have a large chamber, but most of its mass is spent on the incendiary composition in the head of the projectile.
Just wow.
They add some obscure 45mm APHE for the NS-45 cannon that has no information available other than there was a 45mm APHE-T shell.
They give it 1mm of fuze sensitivity when any APHE of that caliber has 6mm.
They take a well documented German APHEI-T that had MORE penetration than API that is already implemented for the MK 103 and then tell us that it should be SAPHEI with lower penetration???
And than say that
most of its mass is spent on the incendiary composition in the head of the projectile
what doesn’t even make any sense.
- Not only is that a Magnalium (aluminum-magnesium alloy) cap and not „incendiary composition“
- How is that „most of its mass“ when incendiary composition is lighter than steel?
By that logic APC and APCBC rounds with explosive filler should get an additional filler penalty because „the cap, which isn’t kept intact upon penetration, and therefore not part of the penetrators weight“ shouldn’t count to the projectiles weight.
But here this cap suddenly becomes an issue and the developers decide it should be SAP when it actually had more penetration than the previously produced AP rounds.
Wow, after 12 years of not having MK 103 APHE, Gaijin finds a way to implement the round with enhanced penetration only to make it have worse penetration.
Just for comparison sake:
A 20mm Hispano/Oerlikon HE round carries roughly 10g explosive or 11.2g explosive and incendiary composition
Early British SAPI carried 11g incendiary composition, later 9g with a detonator below the steel nose.
30mm MK 101/103 HE-T was a 440g shell carrying 27g explosives.
The APHEI-T, Gaijin calls SAP, is a 455g shell with 5.2g PETN and 6.2g Thermite filling, so basically the same filling as a 20mm Hispano HEFI.
From German sources we know that the 30mm APHE (500g) was 5 calibers long while the new APHEI (455g) was only 4 calibers long.
So by subtracting the weight of a 30x30mm steel ring with a 15mm diameter hole (114g), we get the weight of the shorter APHEI round without caps.
Now let’s be generous because the nose of shell is actually around 26mm instead of 30mm and say the steel penetrator is 150g lighter.
Then we have a 30mm 350g APHEI with 11.8g filler which according to Gaijins penetration calculator would reduce the penetration based on the filler by 18.7%, which is still less than the maximum 25% shells can get and some APHE shells even exceed.
So basically:
That argument by the devs makes no sense and the round was and is an AP round and not SAP.
The APHEI penetrator is actually just 26mm shorter compared to the APHE shell.
So the actual weight of the shell without caps is most likely around 400g.
And since Thermite has a higher density than explosives (around 2 times), the explosive filler equivalent would be around 8.3g compared to the 14g of the APHE round.
So 30mm APHE weighing 500g with 14g filler compare to a 400g shell with 8.3g filler.
Me when Chinese mains complains about Gaijin ruining their favorite light tank (their suffering isn’t unique)
(And yes I concede that a unified player front would be more helpful)
not surprise really happen to everyone when gaijin f up their tanks for no reason
Gaijin, please take a look at increasing RP gain for helicopters. at least specifically for getting kills with rockets.
Even with premium, the RP gain for getting kills with rockets is painfully low.
This is some seriouse double standart. And generally double blind eye nfg.
Just wow.
Please take further action, somehow, anyhow.
This is plain wrong.
My bug report on the M41’s turret traverse that points out how Gaijin’s current source says minimum of 24°/s while providing sources that say 36°/s maximum got swiftly turned down as they proceeded to ignore this very basic fact, pretending that their current source is just as valid as the other ones.
Inconsistency would be the name of the game, if the name of the game weren’t already WarThunder.