Major Update “Hornet's Sting” — DEV Server Changelog (10.03.2025)

The swedish J34 which has 600kg less thrust than the French Hunter sits at 9.3(Referring to J34)while it sits at 9.0(Belgian hunter F.6) also the better wing design for dogfighting.

the creators are clumsy, why can the XM800 break a Maus barrel, but the Lucsh can’t even break a T-34 barrel??? The guns/shells are the same, the effect is different. Everything is in the wrong place…

Please fix PL-8B

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Saw that, wonder what they’re changing on Dev now?

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I am still hopeful for some last minute MBT fixes :’)


Any chance for a BR reduction? Chi-Ri II had never been much better than either of the Chi-To’s thanks to it’s HUMONGOUS size

wtf is that for?

Gaijin: Release EF
Me: Buying premium plane to grind EF
Me: Grinding EF
Me: Finally got EF
3 days later:
Gaijin: Nerf EF.


The Chi-Ri turret side armour nerf

Ah, so we can blame you for the nerf 😜



did dev servers get closed?

who can help? where can I send bugged shots to devs?

ef totally fine after the “”“big nerf”“”

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A small nerf, but unpleasant. 12g not 16g

ef2k still the best air rb plane after the f15e and still top2 dogfighter after the rafale. this crying just massive copium. and the ef2k can stay 14g in ratefight soo this absolutly good

It doesn’t change the fact that I spent money and time on it, and then it gets nerfed.

And this who cares? Just because you can’t play with it, others can, and it still remains one of the best planes.

If you don’t care, you didn’t have to reply to my post.

I feel sorry for you that you can’t play with one of the best plane.