If only devs were to balance out the boats that lost a lot because of this change.
American 14 inch loosing 90-110mm pen at 15km, italian 305mm losing 160mm of pen at 15km. I mean its a realistic change especially new values on US 14inch somewhat match historical ones now.
But massive nerf to vehicle without anything in return isn’t how thing should be done. Especially italian 305 mm loosing so much pen at range when it needs that facing 7.0s regularly. Most ships lost some round performance with this ballistic change but some got hit way worse than average.
I think its still a net buff. Because now you will actually hit a target at 15km, maybe even with multiple shells.
And really, how often are you fighting at 15km. My average is more like 10km
Does need to be accurate to IRL shells though
accuracy buffs do cancel the extra lead pretty much fully i guess.
But you do go from 400 pen to 240 on Da Vinci (at 15km) you aren’t fixing issues that gives you with penetrating targets. At 5km you loose a decent 70mm of pen.
And yes you cant even engage people at 15km cause your range is lower than that. I think this change just makes early BBs just more useless and at mercy of the matchmaker. Especially when all other ships weren’t hit as badly by the ballistics nerfs and still got accuracy buffs to deal with you
when does current dev close?
people are saying today
Let’s go! Too bad I finished my J-11A research 45 minutes ago
The increased slippery rocks mechanic is ridiculous. The quality of ground maps just keeps getting worse and worse and worse…
Im still grinding regular J-11 and this new saved me from additional 420k RP.
Lets goo.
For me they could bundle the whole Swedish Tier VII aircrafts into one, have the finish mig 21 and lover the requirement from 5 to 1 to get unlocked tier VIII. This would save me a lot of boring grind for stuff I am not interested in 😉
Yeah, i grinded Swedish tree long ago so new additions didnt bother me too much, but as for new grinders it can be frustrating.
Well i really not see it as something new it more like side grade to Swedish Fin F-18 really not offer anything new to it apart from more AMRAAM it has no AG capability whatsoever so i guess Gripen still remains top for Sweden
Yeah im not gonna even bother to grind it.
When Gaijin introduce Gripen NG/E i can grind it with them.
There also upgrades radar version of C variant
A mark IV that can be add before E
Sadly Gaijin doesnt even bother to model different C variants, current one is actually kinda Frankenstein.
@WaretaGarasu I do hate to be a bother, but could you possibly investigate forwarding this report prior to it all getting finalised? Just had a match on the dev server where there was nothing I could do against another aircraft on account of the aoa limit off constantly trying to force a hover which locked up all control surfaces. I do not believe this is an intended behaviour for a non VTOL platform, as it generally matches the hover attempts of VTOL aircraft, and feels particularly reminisce of the harrier.
This time dev server close ?
They don’t even give center pylons even there are picture of Gripen from Thai air force with GBU on it
I know, i talked with Smin yesterday about that issue and so far Devs have no intention to give it, Meanwhile our fmaous flame is trying nerf the Gripen even more with some British documents.
This sounds a bit much, though. F-117 is limited to only 2 bombs and will require too many successful flights to get that number.
Dev server will stay opened until Friday, 14th March, 7:00 GMT