Major Update “Hornet's Sting” — DEV Server Changelog (10.03.2025)

The T.10 can now see an F/A-18 in RB now, that’s fun. Can’t see any problems with that, totally balanced /s


doesnt matter, its airframe is much stronger and will counter alot of stuff at 12.0, let alone 11.3

im sure this has had lots of thought and “balance decision” put behind it.


It’s still an F/A-18…

Also another great example of this games BR compression and “balance”, the T.10 can see F-16’s. Granted they are the F-16A with only 9L’s but to a Harrier they may aswell be a 9X.

This is just getting beyond stupid. Either it gets BOL’s or it keeps Phimat and goes down to 11.0. The T.10 can’t just be 11.3 with Phimat. It’s all well and good limiting the T.10’s offensive armament to keep it at a certain Br but limiting it’s defensive capabilities shouldn’t happen.


F-18A at 12.3 are you actually serious? What is wrong with people…


Next update F-15A premium at 12.3 because money and poor decision making.

The F/A-18A has better armament than the F-16A but somehow lower than it. It absolutely does not belong at 12.3. If Gaijin doesn’t want 2 F/A-18’s at 12.7 then they need to move the BR’s up a step to fit one in higher not lower.


Meanwhile, the Mirage 2000C-S4 (which is still an excellent plane, don’t get me wrong) is at the same br with half the amount of CM and SARH missiles, a worse radar, worse guns and what feels like a worse turn rate
The only real advantages over the F/A-18A are the 2 Magics 2 and a higher top speed (that you will bleed in 3 seconds because you’re in a delta)

God I love more US hand holding. Can you also give us treatment Gaijin? AL-41 for 30SM please


yes exactly that

Great! as if 11.3/11.7 wasnt already a pain in the ahh when u had an uptier to 12.3/12.7, now with a TT hornet at 12.3 and prem at 12.7 we might aswell just make the game have BR 1.0 and 2.0 so biplanes can fight fox3

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Some are quite good, but the main one return us to rof = win, armour means nothing. Gameplay

If they would just swap the handholding around for a little bit both nations would benefit. Russia gets some more handholding for Air RB instead of ground RB while the US gets some more handholding for ground RB instead of air RB.

oh, seems like MiG-29 went down to 12.7 or maybe I’m wrong, isn’t this 13.0?

My bad, I checked the live server, still the same BR. My memory just failing me

Mig-29G on the German TT is 13.0, the first 2 have always been 12.7

Yeah bad memory on my end

Sooo strange, I don’t see the RN Vittorio Veneto in this list, maybe a typo?

Anyways, US Main complaining prevailed once again


Isn’t that a real limitation of the FCS though?

Excellent decision

cant really tell if this is sarcasm or not, this forum has destroyed my brain lol