Actually alot more planes got it now, pretty much every top dog except F-16
It’s weird that the F-16 didn’t get it, the switch for it is already modelled in the cockpit so I’m surprised it didn’t get it in the dev update.
I think they need evidence that it actually removes AoA limits specifically:
The F-16’s were still under review a few days ago:
Was changelog updated to .30 version?
Not yet
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Whats newM
How is this fair and how can the T.10 survive at 11.3 with no BOL.
The Harrier 1s are still lacking thrust as well I would hate to imagine just how bad the issue becomes if they get fixed.
Flaring an AIM9B would be next to impossible.
This is stupid a fully afterburning supersonic jet with 2 engines is significantly less hot then a turbo fan.
@Stona_WT hey, i was wondering if every time the notes get updated, if you could add the date, time and version for which the update is. would help with keeping track of stuff
Harriers are notoriously hot and you were too close + late flare so I don’t really see anything wrong. Your shot on the J-8 was pretty far and those things have large countermeasures
So does the Harrier.
Also the 9L is notorious for going for flares.
The Harrier IRL was notoriously cold and that is the main issue.
I also flared the minute the missile was launched and pulled hard plus periodically flared.
The sea harrier doesn’t have any large countermeasures, AIM-9L’s are pretty good at rear aspect at close range they aren’t that easily flared within the ranges you got hit.
I have planed enough jets to know that missile is 100 % flareable.
The Harrier will take hits from the likes of the aim9p in a similar launch envelope.
They need to fix the Harriers IR sig
The flare sensitivity on the AIM-9L in-game is lower than the earlier generations of IR missiles but has a slightly wider field of view. If you’re close enough the seeker will not be able to see the flares especially if they are fired in a certain way where the seeker has no chance to even see the flare unless you fire a lot of flares in a very short amount of time. The way you maneuver your plane should also be taken in consideration. There’s missile dodging guides on youtube that better explains the mechanic.
Flaring an AIM9B has become difficult in the Harriers on the dev server…
Give the Saab J35s the cobra button!!!
The J35 was the first jet to perform the ”kort parad” and therefor it deserves the button!!!
cool ive just seen this on the dev server
No BOL for the heavy harrier but if you cry enough you can get an F/A-18A moved down to 12.3
balance decisions tho right!?!? right???
There’s no way anybody actually wanted this. WHO ASKED FOR THIS?!
It also got missile count reduced.