Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

If they could be intercepted by AA would that be more fair? Like you could pick them up on radar and shoot them down?

Yup, because that explains why they’ve been so bad for nearly a full year


I will cry if these whiney dumdums on the forum make them give britain an su30 instead of a cf188 😫


Here, and from what I hear from others if ones coming it’s not this update most likely. But it hasn’t been ruled out.


Please be Stingray


Are you okay?

dev server today?

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The development of upgrades actually lines up pretty evenly between the two. CF-188 usually few years behind

Very nice. Now it will probably be worse👍

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T-84 Optlot premium tank gonna call it now

Dont give me hope

Please not as a premium japan needs thai as a ground subtree too

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I think by then it would be fine with Aim-120Cs and Aim-9Ms, even without radar reflectors

Man I wish Russian bias was just real, so Gaijin can go ahead and add Su-35 and R-37s


As a Canadian im pre-coping. Probably just gonna be an aussie legacy hornet so it will make more sense for the aussie super hornet in the future

CHILL GUYS its just start of 2025 lol

great start

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u good?

as a uk player for 5 years, i hope uk can get su 30mki or cf188

Side shots on CR2s always destroy the ammo…
The basket wont make a difference

no, you dont seem to see the issue, nato SAM cant hurt russian CAS, they have 8 KM of wiggle room to fire and turn around, nato CAS at most 2km