Must be 120CMs from default, but yeah, BOLs are needed
We get a completely butchered EFT after waiting almost 2 years for a comparable jet.
Bug fixes for it sitting for months.
I guess for an F-18
1991 CF-188 would be pretty good for the UK
Seems like it, they have had the model commissioned for a while
R-77 in second and 11th pylon, dual pylon in middle, KH-38 and Grom, T-220 pod
and interestingly, they are all comfirmed in SU-35, I guess they made a SU-35 but name it SU-30SM.
WHAT? where did your eyes see this
From what I gathered they talked about the possibility on the russian stream, but nothing for certain and nothing confirmed for this update.
All they said was that they had 2 planes for Britain planned this update, but weren’t sure if one of them would be ready in time.
believe me, too many CAS players never notice any missile coming to them lol enjoy
BvvD said something of the sorts
Bvvd: China will have a tank in this update. It is in the works
honestly, we have upgraded our cf18s so much we can get any of the f18s given to america lmao, early variants and late
I really didn’t believe the Russian Company has to make the Russian vehicles better, but now I really am thinking that’s the case with this. Unacceptable.
Does getting hit anywhere in this blue turret basket break the traverse ?
most likely
Future of Britain…just spawn SAMs at 10.7 forever
The challenger 2 doesnt have a turret basket, insta win, no big horizontal drives
Add it with the radar reflectors so it’s not an issue