Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

5 minutes left till the dev stream

I mean, obviously, the map wouldn’t be the whole island!

So the map could be balanced. I think people underestimate how big Iwo Jima is.

When I was a kid, I thought it was Battlefield 1943-sized; only a bit later I found out it was actually extremely downscaled there, hahahah.

Problem as old as the world, BR compression.

I’m pretty sure he meant the plane, not the missile

wait dev stream is today? mf i have to go to work when it starts

“HORNET’S STING” UPDATE PREVIEW | War Thunder Official Channel

when i think about Pacific maps i kindly remember the ones from BF V.
These where gorgeous and i wouldnt dislike the Idea if the Jungel map would get a map “extension” into the inland with a more dense Jungle like sand of sinai or el alamein got 2 battelgrounds on the same map.

This could make a nice CQC map for lowtier

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You can watch it later, don’t worry.

The F-15E offered an acceleration boost to the F-15C while reducing energy retention from the added weight of fuel and airframe, along with a drag nerf.

The F-15E can do exactly one tactic slightly better: Hyper-aggressive climb at the beginning of the match.
After that the playstyle is an ever so slightly worse F-15C.

It warranted a impromptu BR increase from the devs to become the only 14.0, I think that counts as meta shifting

Man i can’t wait for the hornet hordes, ill take out my ICE and have some fun.

14.0 will be feasting.

More that skilled players jumped to the F-15E before the rest of the playerbase.

So what you’re saying is, it improved upon the meta the F-15C defined?

No, we don’t have Mike!

Yeah but i suspect they’ll drop the BR to 12.7 pretty quick, or more likely decompress to 14.3 considering the premium nature of the f18.

Aww hell naw, one of the presenters ain’t bald, i can’t watch the dev stream

i’m just in time

If the F/A-18C is 14.0, there definitely should be decompression to 14.3 to raise the better jets like the Typhoon.