Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

In about 4 hours and 18 min!




It’s a rough guess though, don’t hold me to it ;)

Oh well. But i expect the Su-30MKK to be added in the update (im doubting its appearance too actually)

Who are you talking to

Um… it could still easily come. ;)

And yeah, USA hasn’t gotten a meta defining plane since F-15C MSIP II, which came with F-15JM and BazM.

It will not come this update.

The pacific war needs another map :,)

May i suggest Manilla City '45, American defenses at bataan, the black sands of Iwo?


It’s best to avoid statements that could age like milk.
It’s why my posts only talked in possibilities and probabilities.

The F-15E was also pretty meta defining

But the F/A-18E is not likely to come this update, it’ll be June more likely as they always give the US a naval aircraft in June

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leaks say J-11B

Wasn’t F-15E meta defining in between Firebirds and Storm Warning?

It’s not a possibility. If it was coming, it’d have been mentioned in the devblog.

Not necessarily, it is a different airframe, though I agree it isn’t coming this update, it would have featured in the trailer realistically if it were

People saying F-18s are DoA

That too.

Iwo jima could be very unblanced due to the layout, but if its around the airfield it could have a case. I would put forward Kunlun Pass as a part of asia-pacific, with some extreme terrain uncommon in Asian battlefields

The issue is more what they seem to be doing with the BRs, like the F/A-18A is fine but both the F/A-18Cs are overtierd from what we’ve seen about them

I’m sure you can agree, the F/A-18C doesn’t compare to the Rafale


Thank you Brother