Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

You mean currently if that it around 12-15km the longest range i got with mica is around 14.5 km flying at 4000m speed of mach 1.1

The F/A-18C with 9Ms will get dunked on anyway

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Oh absolutely.
The eurocanards will stall it out like crazy if they play it right anyway.

Damn you got 14? I got 10km at 5km alt at best lol.

No link for english dev stream yet?

Probably, so why let F-18A get dunked on too?

Surely it would be nicer to have at least one competitive hornet, sat outside the top tier bracket?

The only way you get that is by forgoing 9M’s.

1 frame per fuel consumption second

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Probably luck but my overall kill range with mica is around 7-11km

Well… aren’t 12-15km ranges a quite standard average for ingame engagement ranges anyway?

I find launches past 19 km to be extremely unreliable, because it’s just too easy to evade them when they take 40 seconds to reach a target; 40 seconds you have to maneuver and defend against the missile.

I guess I still don’t quite entirely get how Top Tier air is suppossed to work. Apparently, people are somehow getting 30 km kills and find an un-dodgeable missile with a 12 km range to be an issue because it can’t make such 30 km range launches.

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I tried to upload a normal gif, but it was 40 MB :(

So I kept compressing until at some point, for some reason, compressing more led to it becoming heavier… so I had to reduce frames :(

USA mains not getting THE plane that lead the new meta every update :

They got 3 planes, a second rank 8 premium after 4 for rank 7 when some country only have one premium for both ranks, and they whine~

I mean when your range is hard limited you are always at the mercy of the enemy plane with better range.

Again, I don’t see this a pro. It is a con due to the insane amount of premium vehicle spam which will inevitably fill your teams with beginners and farmers

I wish possibility for brimstone to ARH at least air targets


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Overall yes but my experience with amraam 15km+ kill is very common mica can’t do this I don’t know about rafale that they can shoot further? I don’t have it yet but my14.5km with mica i only done it once

@Smin1080p_WT can you say if we can exspect this patch Raytracing for AMD and Consoles?


muh russian catering

Maybe some optimisation for Ray Tracing in general, so that my PC doesn’t go from 185 FPS to 40-60 when I enable it xD

I mean, I understand it being resource-heavy and leading to a performance drop, but… is such an enormous drop normal?

I mean, there are several reason it should get 9Ms

They’re more historically accurate
it differentiates it from the F/A-18A
if it’s at 13.0 already it needs them
again if 13.0 it will be the only, I repeat only aircraft at that BR that doesn’t have either IRCCM or ARH missiles
It would likely make it more playable too