And again, any damn missile couldve been launched at you at .5 and it wouldve hit… jeez this is like talking to a brick wall on mushrooms
nope ive flared many r60MK at that range same with 9L to dodge a IRRCM missile you need to spam flares and move and i dont have enough flares for that
You can do the same thing with AIM-9Gs, R-60s and most SARH missiles lmao
no no you cant sorry aim-9G doesnt have 35 G pull or irrcm last i checked
aim-9G has 18G pull
Oh, so you cannot third party kill people with anything that has less than 35Gs and no IRCCM?
Okay? So you are especially coping that IRCCM is working? lol and if Magic2 is soooo op… remember you will face F15s with 9Ms and AAM3 in the F4J in your average uptier (depending if its the japanese or other F15 variants)… which are literally 10 times better and have much better IRCCM
No, everyone knows only the Magic 2 can third party, stated by the Sekrit Documents
su33 is my br whats difference ?
magic 2s are better than aim-9M
Su33 is not 12.0 my friend
F15A isnt either
Do you even know what an uptier is
lowest its gone i remeber at least was 12.7
so your points moot then cause you seem to not mentioon every other country having a similar plane
Su33 has always been 13.0?..
f15A was added when highest was 13.3
Thanks for telling me something i know??? And what does this have to do with your skill issue rant about an IRCCM missile?
12.3* Was 0.3 below the max (12.7), prior to the deocmpress beause “it had no HMD” which was BS
rather op missile that shouldnt be available for everyone who has 70$ to burn