Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Techically they could get Derby via Vietnamese SPYDER, but there is no need for them to get that, as they have more than enough top tier SPAA that they could get, as they have dozens of them irl

It has a really long unrefueled range, fairly modern avionics, and a really big payload. Doesn’t need that much speed or agility to launch cruise missiles from over the horizon

IRL 2A7 use only DM73, wich can be fired only from L55A1 gun (not just L55) but no, it use DM53, Gaijin don’t think it should use its projectile 🤣🤣🤣

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The Falklands in general was a massive waste of life and resources.

It really isn’t. There is a reason they kept it in service as long as they did.
Sure, I personally prefer the Victor, but the Vulcan was and still is an amazing piece of military equipment.

Also, since things being over or underrated is a matter of opinion anyways, let me tell you some of the planes I think are overrated.

Trigger warning
  • F-14
  • F-111
  • F-117
  • F-22
  • F-35
  • F-5
  • F/A-18
  • A-10
  • AC-130
  • B-1
  • B-29
  • B-50
  • B-52
  • P-51

Agree with the list except for B-1, B-29, F-111, F-14 and B-52.

F-22 definitely overrated, and P-51

Very low. I can’t think of a time where they added April Fools assets much earlier than the announcement for the event itself.

Oh hey, another Devblog

Political maybe, but the raids had a marked effect on the positioning of Argentine Air Force deployment, as beyond damaging the runway enough to prevent it’s extension to support advanced fighters, it demonstrated the threat capability to the Argentine mainland that they didn’t have a response for, so they ended up pulling plans for deployment of their best fighters, instead keeping them back for mainland defence. They didn’t see the Vulcans coming until it was too late to scramble a response, which led to some sudden changing of trousers I imagine, considering the Argentineans didn’t expect a military response at all.

Remember the vast majority of the time, the best results of a military action usually come from the immaterial and physiological effects, rather than physical achievements.


@Smin1080p_WT how are you? can i ask if the Spice family of bomb are planned to be introduced to any israeli aircraft that is supposed to have them IRL this major. it would be amazing to have something besides the best netz as premium this update. an answer for this would be well recived.

spice bombs 2


Does US get anything similar to SPICE?

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Yes Ice Spice


what? now is requirement that the united states should have something similar or equal to israel for just this to be added? thats new! i didnt knew about that new rule as far as i know this didnt apply for other nations right guys?


haha lmao

P-51 was pretty mediocre until a Merlin engine was fitted into it. and whilst it did provide good air cover for the bombers later in the war. Much of Luftwaffe had already been destroyed by the RAF and they were just mopping up what was left.

Not saying it was a bad aircraft, but gets overhyped quite a bit. Aircraft like the Hurricane and Spitfire were the work horses of the allies for most of WW2

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gotta wait for dune 3

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hahahahahaha you are the worst bro

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It was really, really good at longe range escort, but yeah not as good as some make it to be

GBU-53 lol