Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Honestly, an early F-22 can be added even rn. Like yes, it’s better in dogfights than almost/everything else. But it would lacks of HMD
Radar… Su-30SM would be surely better, just because of how gaijin models AESA and PESA and better gimbal limits
As for BVR - if leak with 77-1 true - su30sm would be better, just due theyre performs same as 120A in range, but can maneuvr way better, aswell as more of them
Only advantage of raptor - RCS

Hmm, maybe you’re right. I’d still say the stealth of the F-22 would be the real game changer here. But yeah the Su-30SM is probably going to dominate the Meta rn, I’m saying the F-22 can drop in December and not earlier because it’s usually the super hyped and biggest update of the year so if gaijin were to drop 5th Gens they’d probably choose this one.

atleast that lineup can still see 11.0

at the regular full uptier f18 still can fight them cause it still is a 14.0 plane

and in the rare case of downtier (still see plenty 12.0 and 12.3 match when playing my 11.3 lineup, so it musn’t be that rare) i can enjoy my time fighting cas br 11.7 and under

This leak list…

How have we gone 21 consecutive major updates without adding a single top tier AA to Israel.

Why in anno domini two thousand and twenty five, am i still ‘fighting’ (more like helplessly spectating) 14.0’s in a 9.7.

Can snail start a gofundme so we can speed up the modelling of HVSD/ADAMS or Spyder please? I’ll gladly contribute.



but i want it that way



Watch it be 70 quid xD

Nice, 80$ premium coming to shops near you :D
Cool decal tho…

80 euro premium like the Bison and Ja 37Di


Swiss F-18C/D do have a Super Hornet cockpit and not the regular F-18C one. This means that until the Super Hornet is being released, the Swiss F-18 cannot be released either.

Any time? Isn’t that the tomcat’s patch saying?


Just hoping SM in Su-30SM won’t mean Super Mid like for Su-27SM.

It should be ;-)


They still keep it calling early and it keeps me irritating. Just name it and cosmetic it to be a F18-A+

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Hey that Anytime slogan is the F-14’s ;(


I really hope it’s not another $120 premium or I might cry

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real, no f2 this update is absolutely crazy

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I don’t think what cockpit it has is relevant, the f16a mlu has a c cockpit and was added with the rest of the a’s.

I wonder if they will add hvsd/adams to Israel which i guess no i think they add more cp(copy paste) to Israel