Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

the problem is they ae not added, and that’s why he is upset.

I guess good air TT is a good start and things is getting better, but the long term of gaijin making new things makes it not so sure.


God knows but this gives me hope we see Dutch F-16s as premiums tho

I have a feeling this is going to either be a good day or an abysmal one.

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it will provide something that imo more important than a2g ordnance, a good CAP without the need to raise your ground lineup br

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Only two thinks I’m looking of, and one is the German armed car as I can use that in my event line up : P.


small potatoes TBH. I recently played 12.0 and 12.7 pure Ground to see just how often you get uptiered and well… majority of the time you’re seeing 12.7 so, trying to “avoid” top tier by playing 12.0 instead of 12.7, is just as foolish as trying to play 13.3 and expecting to avoid 14.0 in air

Eh the Swiss 18C would likely still be 12.7 even without the CAS loadouts, same BR as the US 18C that has CAS weaponry.

Damn, I’d at least take a Magach or a Tiran over nothing

it says 12.0 rn for the finnish one in GRB

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Oh fair. I was going off the example of the Taiwanese Mirage 2k. Which started off at 12.0 because it had no cas weaponry, but got moved to 12.7 pretty quickly after release.

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it might change. Technically Finland did eventually fit their F-18s with A2G ordnance, so maybe if gaijin shows Sweden some mercy they add it and this thing goes to 12.7


The A models could and did use the 9M.

I cant get over the fact that the DF105 took 4 years to arrive in the french ground tree…


Since it’ll be 12.7 and not 13.0, as well as before the F-14A, it won’t be getting AIM-9Ms.

The F-22 has insanely powerful engines it’s gonna be a beast. It’s realistic to expect from December 2025 and on, as nothing else can be added.

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Do you mean there’s nothing to be added between the next update and the F-22?

I mean there’s no new airframe left to be added for the usually biggest update of the year that brings the new airframes.

The F/A-18E would be a new airframe.

Guess what will not come after they add another Soviet magicship that nobody knew how it would be:

Yes, 7.3 BR. Because somehow my light cruiser has to face it and cannot pen anywhere

It’s still an F/A-18, and since it was in this update’s leak list I’d say it’s realistic to think it will drop next update.