Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

I’m not seeing the MiG 25 being added to a tech tree at all, not as a regular vehicle, not as an event one, not as a squadron one and not as a premium.
If they add it it most likely is tied to a special mode, might not even be playable.

came from a reddit post. I’m sure you know that by now tho. Jaek even pointed out it was fake lol. Twice.

They should still be basically the same as normal CM in game though right?

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whats your guyses opinion on mig 25 being a event vehicle

but why? there are other interceptors ingame. it has missiles and a radar, and it could fly and it is unique vehicle which many like.

I want it as squadron vehicle so I can get it lol.

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It shouldn’t be a playable vehicle, at least not in the regular game modes.

YF-12 and MiG-25 squadron vehicle update?

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same gonna have to grind 45k every day

it could be a rank 7 jet so not the max requirement

We’ve talked about this yesterday, I believe.
There is no way to properly balance something like the MiG-25 and it would be incredibly toxic to play against due to its max speed.

sadly no matter how hard i tryed gaijins confirmed it as a event

Yessssir after the Hunter 58

yeah there is. put it at 11.7


what just ground strike it has no gun and poor missles

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very little manuveribility

if its flying towards you at high speed its closing the distance for your missiles. if its flying away then it cant do anything

Yeah, just ground pound, with the new ticket drain system, very fun and reliable way to counter players that just run away because they literally cannot engage in a proper fight.

the R-40s can hit a maneuvering target only up to 4G and you can 1 flare the R-60s