It’s here to collect your unpaid taxes
i know
i want this
yeah in the reddit post where a few new comment now that hinted at a player made model and nothing offically from the files and the guy who postet it had postet aparantly a few more of such things in the past.
All they need to do is make BOL chaff the same as normal and flares to peak at the height of large instantly and then drop instantly.
not like i conjured it out of thin air. has been in game for some time now, so its been there as an example for a while.
also, F-15JM is slightly lighter and also has acess to better IR AAM, while US F-15C gets none of those. so it should at least have something to set it apart.
I know the F-2 is a player model, cos gaijin makes me sad…
You have an F-15E
and wants 15 more
Where did you mention the F-15I or the F-15JM?
Saudi F-15 for Britain when?
at a different BR. and still doesnt mean F-15C and E cant have BOL, when a ton of other jets get it
quartas121 IP ban when lol
There isn’t one, there never has been one. It’s a user model.
That’s a fat flipping lie.
Is BOL IRL even that fundamentally different than standard countermeasures?
yall see mig 25 gonna be a event vehicle scummy
I believe this man is British. All quake in the might of the Empire.
i am not saying those should get BOL, they never used them. i mentioned them as reasons why it doesnt make sense to withold BOL from F-15C and E specifically.
lol, lmao even. the snail never ceases.
it does quick bright burst, good against more modern seekers iirc vs. modern flares (which have been improved to work better against them too) that burn longer
BOL chaff is just shavings of Aluminium so nothing special.
BOL IR on the other hand. While flares are burning lumps of Phosphorus or something BOL IR is a cloud of special chemicals that burn up into a tear drop shaped thing that emits 99.9% IR light that’s very useful in blocking IR seeker views.