Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Well PIRATE is also a MAW though

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any second dev server ?

Yes, but thats a secondary function


Don’t think there will be a second dev server. It’s more likely that the update will drop next week as we’ve seen pretty much everything that’s coming.

No, there will be a second dev server, and G6-HVM will be on it


Nintendo was truly ahead of its time

Legacy hornet (USMC) 2017 ~ present equipped Litening G4 pod

Similar to Super Hornet Block II 2016 ~ 2020 (pre integrate GBU-53 SDB II, AIM-120D-3 AMRAAM, AIM-260 JATM, JSOW-ER, AGM-88G AARGM-ER, AIM-174B, JDAM-ER and JSM)

Similar to Super Hornet Block II except radar. pre integrate AIM-9X-2, GBU-53 SDB II, AIM-120D-3 AMRAAM, AIM-260 JATM, JSOW-ER, AGM-88G AARGM-ER, AIM-174B, JDAM-ER and JSM

kermit the frog from the muppet show is making a funny face with his mouth open .
How i look when i look at it and i know it could have been already here.
Just gib F-2 please.


How he looks when he looks at it and he knows it could have been already here.


when he


How? That’s just how Gaijin implemented it. It’s not a representation of how unique the armoured vehicle history is of Belgium and the Netherlands. There are hundreds of unique Belgian vehicles from domestic companies like Cockerill. And even more unique modifications of imported equipment like Fire control systems with Laser rangefinders on vehicles like the M47 and the Belgian version of the JPz-4-5, but also plenty of Belgian munitions which sported higher performance compared to their British or US counterparts. I suggest checking out the suggestion pages for both Belgium and the Netherlands.


they say this on wt F-15A wiki

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they still cannot justify F-15C and F-15E

Update on tuesday?

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They absolutely can justify not adding BOL to those. Not giving the F-15C and E BOL is a balance decision, just like not giving the USSR tree access to the Grom-1 is a balance decision.

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so BOL is fine on typhoon, but not F-15C and E? what about Gripen?

According to Gaijin, yes.
And in my own opinion, also yes.

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F-15I gets 120 more countermeasures than F-15C and E, and it gets a pass for no good reason?

Mate, am I Gaijin?

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Let me check my records here, uh, yep, everything seems in order

balancing reason logic just doesnt work for this.