still a shame they didnt turn warspite into a museum ship
Isn’t that the missile that the F-5A(G) has? Or do you mean unused modification in the files specifically for the F-16s.
i think in the future and arriving of modern warships they will become useful
still hard to use it has no seeker vision, makes it hard to lock on ships, and it’s too small, can do little damage to ships except small torpedo boat.
Wow, it’s so good it can even hack and see through the missile warming approach system of the rafale ! Pretty incredible tech indeed
Yeah, but it is unused. Iirc the rnoaf f5 gets it stock.
I knew that picture was familiar lmao
Just wasn’t completely sure
Yes, but it’s available stock on it. It didn’t, and doesn’t have a modification.
Yes, it was added during this dev server, long after the addition of the F-5A(G).
Update when?
Copied the wrong photo. It was late at night
Tuesday maybe I pray tomorrow though
Was very late at night I see the error and I’ve now fixed it.
Close enough
Yes more likely the US vehicles. I feel as far as Norge goes we will only see the F-5A(G)-40 as the only Norwegian vehicle with them in warthunder despite it being their own missile.
Well, it’s US as well, but they had Penguins on their Bell 412 Heli and maybe on the MH-60 as well
Oh, and the Super Lynx, but that’s not in the game yet
The AN/APG-79 (AN/APG-73 with AESA and the same radar as on the Super Hornet) was installed in the USMC’s legacy hornets in 2021. And all of the AN/APG-73 designated radar variants being largely the same. So in regards to this game they are the same
79v4 (which is different from super hornet one) is sufficiently different from 73 on the Finnish MLU 2 for them to be added at same time without being exact copies of each other
And it is not the one coming into the game
I know. This was talking about future hornet addition
Yeah so definitely not close enough. The sensor use a different system, using dual band MWIR, and fisheye, meaning that this system actually has a better range and target discrimination compared to a a sensor like the PIRATE IRST using MWIR. DDM-NG literally is moire than 10 years younger, and thus more modern than the PIRATE.
It would kinda be like talking about the benefits of a PESA radar and marketing an AESA system instead. Those are simply 2 different classes of systems
Correct, one is a MAW, other is an IRST