Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

If only they could figure out how to keep the sabot from flying into the intakes

I believe in Gau-12 supremacy

On both AV8B+ and LAV-AD

Hits so much harder than M61 Vulcan and reaches out further too.

why cant they make airplane compatible APFSDS :(

GAU-12 vs F4EJ

0.75km shot too haha


this should definitely get M919

Beautiful shot in both meanings of the word

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Does the LAV-AD get the same ammo as the Stormer AD?
I’ve found the gun to be pretty lacklustre even against planes

FOD, foreign object damage :-)

Airplane engine doesn’t like to inhale bits of sabot

true, but they could for sure give LAV-AD M919

Yeah they get the same belts

I guess it depends on what the target is, Su25 for instance doesn’t seem like dying

I remember when the HVAP had ~91mm pen

Ah that was good times

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Tbf ive hit su-25s with a tow before and done nothing so its not really an exclusive issue

Dunno, I seem to be mostly getting regular hits when using the HVAP belt and the SAPHEI/HEI belt lacks the punch of the 35mm SPAAs

Also, on a sidenote, it’s good to know that the LAV-AD has slightly better elevation and way more ammo ontop of having access to the Hydra rockets.

Why couldn’t we get the Stormer AD with the GAU-13? :(

they can add the APEX ammo made for F-35, that should work with GAU-12

Don’t know what that is lol

Hes referring to the blazer 30 version of the stormer AD which had a 30mm installed in the 25s place


armor peircing explosive. basically just more advacned SAPHEI

That sounds like it would have worse muzzle velocity and/or worse filler compared to HEI, which is the optimal ammo to use against planes usually

looking forward to f35 with gau22 (4 Barrel version of gau12)

Me using AP to pilot snipe everything in the air (teammates included)