Concorde and SR-71/A-12 series gotta be up there for best looking jets
I was going more for elegant beauty, Blackbird has the industrial beauty tho
Really? I always thought Concorde to be more of a mix of both. Not quite as slick as a clean F-16A, but less aggressive than an SR-71
If memory serves I want to say that by ‘44 every US fast battleship class was down at least half a knot vs design maximum due to the additional weight from the added light aa and all crew plus provisions weight for them, as well as being heavily laden with fuel to pull double duty as fast fleet oilers for destroyers. Per I believe Friedman Massachusetts was so heavily laden at one point that her draft was in excess of 37ft when transiting the Panama Canal.
Im guessing youve never been up close to a Concorde then. They make most aircraft look brutalist up close
it would be logical for the Russians to have the Su27sm, Su34 and soon the Su30Sm which engines improve AL31F-M1, gaijin should apply the same shemal of improvement with the J11B which is I recall 90% national, logic dictates that a version having the WS10A should be added rather than leaving it with old engines
At this point I have NO clue!..the only missiles I can think of that may be close would be AIM120D vs R-77M? I guess…but these will need HUGE maps, 160km range on these missiles!
Wtf actual cobra button
No, but I have watched a U-2 fly around lol.
But yeah, from a distance id say the concorde looks sleek and brutal at same time, it’s way more aggressive than other airliners but not as mean looking as an F-15 or tomcat.
The brutalist look is honestly really nice, I like seeing all the slightly exposed bits and warning labels whenever I go to an airshow or plane museum.
Where is this from?
Oh no. this is gonna be a clusterf*** in air matches
where is this from?
I assume a user mission
One step closer to the F-22 though
im gonna laugh if the F22 is incredibly mid
It’s never going to happen exactly (at this point [AV-8B(DA), A-4M, F/A-18A, F-4S (Late) ]), but one can dream.
Also the fact that the Walleye II ER/DL, is being added without the AN/AWW-13 Secure Datalink pod is criminal, I really wish Post-Release control mechanisms wasn’t such an issue, we already have GPS/INS + SALH which effectively do the same thing already.
Supercruise at M1.8-1.9
Very powerful AESA radar
Possibly the best supersonic manueverability in the world (sorry typhoon guys)
TVC for low speed
Solid missiles armament of 6 amraam 2 sidewinder
Its gonna be so funny if the F22 ends up being mid AF as there’s no aim 9x
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F-22 got 9X in 2014 or 2015
again you say all of this but I would laugh so hard if it again came to the game and was just kinda meh and barely better then the top end 4.5 gen jets, because im gonna be honest at least in Air RB I doubt stealth will play that much of a role at the ranges we are fighting