Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Huh? The Lavi had only one engine

Thats one of the ideas ive read

I do wonder when we will get more domestic SPGs would love to see the AS-90 and the RCH-155 would also be very cool, I wonder if it will be like the lynx tho since germany hasnt decided if they are going to adopt the RCH-155 where as the UK has

Advanced eagles will be the best missile buses probably

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it’s ok atleast we get f-16 adf for defence our air space which was considered outstanding at the time.

I would recommend taking a step back and cooling off. Going on a multi-post rant is not going to achieve anything.

New squadron vehicles are being introduced all the time for all nations. We have plans for more always.

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Technically m2 m3 and m4 are all the same tank actually

yea ignore everything it glitched and showed up as a reply to something completely different

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literally just a brick with like 16 missiles strapped to it


Are we gonna pretend there aren’t a few photos of them inspecting and driving it around occupied France?

Panzer of the lake is evolving.


Phantom Phorever

I think hes more upset about why Sweden got a trial T80 U, Mi-28, and AHS they shouldn’t have been given


He’s wrong, but so are you in this case. The F4Js where a later purchase to complement the licensed produced F-4M & Ks. The F-4J’s where leased to fill a gap created by the enlarging of the RAF presence in the Falklands post war, whilst a suitable Phantom replacement was in the works. F-15s where considered but in the end F-4S was considered the best bang for the buck, however due to lack of available airframes F-4Js where provided at a lower cost that originally agreed.

What will it become next? Panther of the plane?

oh no, he’s learning to swim!

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At least it’s fast enough to give the amraams range, making it excel at something.

I know I like to meme on the Hornets, but it really feel like instead of being good at at least 1 thing, they just look/feel mid at everything.

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Leopard of the lagoon.

Bruh I quoted War Thunder directly, and actually, we did give thema license to modify/make parts for them

F-15 is not brick. 12 missiles standard, with very good radar and rwr. Export one have maws