Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

If we got an F-15A it would be 14.0 with Skyflash DFs 🤣

I’ve heard a fairly good argument for Chile being added to Israel before

Might be why we’ve not gotten Saudi Tornados yet

not that we want or need it. we have cooler planes

Yeah, still funny to think about how much higher BR it would be with worse loadout.

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.7 higher, Skyflashes and AIM-9Ls only and no HMD/HMS lol

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i would like a true 1974 F-15A with AIM-7E-2, AIM-9L, and no countermeasures at 11.3 lol

I know, you are the kind of guy that would want the F-5C to be something like 9.7 if it didn’t have fantasy flares

could go to 10.3, even 10.0 without flares

be like having a harrier 1 at 13.0… oh right that’s a thing

Or a harrier II at 11.3 with 1/3 the CMs of another harrier II at 11.3…


That’s exactly what I was getting at. The F-5C wouldn’t deserve to go down without CMs.
The damage model, flight performance and ice cold engines make the thing so incredibly handheld that it should still be 10.7 even if it didn’t have CMs.

nah that would never happen. gaijin treats all nations fairly and there’s never any anti British biases


In this game? Surely wouldn’t happen…


To be fair the US model should receive the CM nerf the Norwegian one will be getting

if IR fixed and lose countermeasures, it could go to 10.3 easily

If both the heat signature and the damage model were fixed, sure. But right now it is ridiculously good at 10.7 and the only thing keeping it there is the fact that Gaijin balances BRs based on player performance…


All those F-5Cs bombing bases with napalm jesus fricken christ -.-

uggg- I come back to that stupid support nation argument. Fun fact: your fake justification doesn’t stop the truth.

Just say you hate the idea of those nations(and the people from them) getting a home; it’s the same thing.

Sure, here you go


You got it. We all hate that and we especially hate Canada.

Happy now?


that definitely isnt a USAF roundel on this F-15SA. which definitely isnt an American made and designed fighter.