Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

What we have is a modified and slightly buggy version of Blue Vixen.

All the features that made the CAPTOR-M so good have yet to be added like Priority Track


No they have gaijin’s own creation, the CAPTOR-L


Having not played the dev server at all is it improved at all?

I didnt feel any differences. So we’ll have to wait and see when it hits live

why am I not surprised gaijin wouldnt put the effort in to make the EFTs radar at all accurate

Im just most annoyed that the Su-30 is getting GMTI but the Typhoon and Rafale are both still misisng it.

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again its gaijin we dont get anything until a patch after its introduced on a soviet or American plane

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I do find the timing… interesting… that the lock range of Tpods is being increased to 30km in the same update that the soviets are getting a multirole with KH-38s and a decent Tpod


oh boy I wonder why, and we still lack a SAM that goes past 12km for the west… greattt

Ah, but see… the soviets are suffering so… they need it…


im sure the devs wouldn’t give a massive advantage to the soviets and no one else… oh wait

@Smin1080p_WT may I ask, are there any news regarding the GMTI mode for the Eurofighter?
Because Russia somehow gets ANOTHER plane which comes with GMTI mode from the start…


im sure gaijin will add it like how we really should get the brimstone 2 so they have a greater range then 13km and even then thats pushing it with a 60 second guidance time

Something something everybody on this planet being different, liking different things and having different hobbies.

If you were to list your hobbies a lot of people would likely react with the same “why waste your time doing X when you could be doing anything else”. If I listed my hobbies a lot of people would also react that way.

@Smin1080p_WT Is there any news about Spice and Python4 now?


They do only having 3 CAS aircraft with BS stand off missiles…

That will not happen unless Spain is a German subtree I’ll give you two reasons: 1) it won’t be added to the TT because there is the Leopard 2A6EX option. 2) The most solid option was as a squad vehicle, but that place is now occupied by the L2PL.

It could still happen as an event vehicle.


i hope spain goes to france instead of Germany. france needs subtrees more than germany

doesnt france already have 2 subs?