Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Japan is actually an agreement by Sweden and Finland of a fishing area on the pacific and Japan is just a conspiracy to hide this fact


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Oh well, I mean it would still be a nice meme premium, just like the Tiger with wood add-on all around :D

And still no premium rank 7 for France :(


huh , the amounts you can pay when you dont take vacation , and when you do you dont travel because you prefer staying at home to rest (yes i got them all XD , and no i’m not a whale , just a collector , and yes I can still put aside several hundred euros for my retirement each month while buying these new premiums)

yea … some day (in minimum 4 years , maximum idk)

Absolutely prepared and raring to go!

While my wallet is £380 lighter, I’m all set and eagerly anticipating the NEW Patch arriving Monday or Tuesday (fingers crossed!)

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“I have horrible budgeting ability”


Or they just earn enough money that they don’t need to care about making such purchases.

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Why waste your time playing this godforsaken game when you can do literally anything else?

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hopefully that money will let gaijin put BOL on the T.10 so its worthy (itll still be worse) of being the same BR as the AV8B

or its 11.0 on release due to being… significantly worse


wee just have the welf in terms of earning to do this

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I’m a Collector, you should see my steam accounts lol

Gives me hope that Germany might get the Leopard 2E (even though they should already get the 2A6EX anyways).


I’ve heard on the Russian dev stream that BVVD poked at the idea of the MIG-25 being in active development or even just an idea in the developers minds for now, do gaijin have anything to say in writing about the MIG-25 and its possibility of implementation in war thunder?

I wonder if gaijin will give us Brimstone 2s so at the very least the brimstones can reach out to 20km like every other top tier AGM


Pretty sure they declared the Mig-25 to be coming as an event vehicle didn’t they?

At the moment, Im just hoping they give us CAPTOR-M

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The Leopard 2E tortuga would be a nice addition to the high tier german lineup



wait what? the EFTs dont have CAPTOR-M?