Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

It seems like that would likely be the case. Though if Switzerland becomes a full sub-tt. Then there is nothing stopping it.

Which is still more than they have anywhere else on the German TT

I just don’t see why they want it when now we know it’ll be at 14.0 and worse than typhoon

i started germany for leopards, that day i did not know usa has f-14 in their tech tree, thats why i chose germany lol now i really dont have it to grind another nation

No, germany doesn’t need all of poland just so they can get an F-16 that is being greedy. With that same logic you sound like the German players who give Germany a bad rap like the ones who wanted all of Denmark for the F-16.

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morocco f-16 for germany lol

Then buy the hornet premium if you can, or wait for high tier jet event or squadron vehicle for USA

Eeeh wasn’t it the TT hornet that was moved to 12.3?

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Would be cool to get a T.3 with a better ground loadout as a dedicated "strike aircraft’ to finish the line (after GR.9A)

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Yeah, it was

Am i wrong or is there literally no confirmed sub-tree at all for Germany yet, and i don’t know if swiss tree will even go to germany, as it would benefit Ground most, and germany ground is already stacked af

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Doesn’t matter unfortunately, as ive stated my opinion on Brimstone and how they should be changed to match. Unfortunately gaijin only looks at A2A, thats why they didn’t get the F-18, the EFT just fills that role. Additionally knowing gaijin its 50 50 if they give the Swiss hornet the A2G ordinance that the US has for the sake of balance where as other nations are forced to use historical accuracy regardless of balance.

i mean whole nation, im in iran, you know, there is no fre**** and sanctions, also terrible currency, we have a rich country and also poor people

I don’t report you for your Germany suffers yapping, so why should I report French mains?

No confirmed tree rn

bro you really did not get it i were kidding?

You have to add /s or just say it was a joke, most don’t take it like a joke because there are too many people who are actually serious.

I hope now with 2 nations having PARS gaijin finally fixes them, maybe the French and German playerbases will finally complain enough to get it fixed

Well then start grinding I guess.


us air force bought air tractor prop bomber, war thunder can add it to some nations when its here
(not my wishlist)

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