Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

but france ground and air and helis lol

Tornado, F-16, MiG 29, Typhoon, AV-8B

Insane lineup

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i wish at least germany will get someone’s f-18 in the future lol thats all we want

They have some tanks from other nations, look at most nations, Britain has RU and british vehicles with some US. Sweden has a Danish CV90 and Norwegian leo 1’s and RU helicopter and tank with US AHS. France definitely isn’t unique in this matter lol

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Eh, technically the Begleit oanzer should be on 2 nations so don’t think we need to talk about that now do we?

No, Germany has F-4F ICE, MiG-29G, and EFT which covers the whole 12.7-14.0 area

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unique in top vehicles maybe

i dont know why im sensetive to france lol

germany will surely get f-18 in future, the way f-16 went

I doubt it, there is no reason for Germany to get one

Again Germany will likely get the F-18 but they didn’t need it. The only nation aside from the US is getting the worst model of it which lacks Radar gun lead indicator and HMD. The 13.7 Gripen will still be a better aircraft so the swedes are still stuck without a competent 14.0 which NG or E could’ve filled since they gimped the F-18


i really wonder why people here dont like germany lol im not german

we will see, im sure germany will get f-18, polish f-16 good too

The main benefit would have been for the A2G. With the typhoon not allowed FnF. An F-18 would give them that. But swiss F-18s didn’t have A2G and the treatment of Finnish one supports that they would uphold that


Just play US air if you like our jets so much lol


Did he say Germany doesn’t deserve it? No, its the most sensible reason, a nation just got a top end vehicle, its not likely they would get another right after receiving one.

Why would they get Poland? What lmao, that actually makes no sense.

i will HUGELY welcome “f-18 with only a gun” in germany lol

good close military relations after ww2

So would’ve been, and will be, totally pointless

An F-18 would have less then what the US has, essentially 4 AGM 65 is what you’re looking at. Gaijin clearly doesn’t take CAS into consideration when adding these types of things.

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