Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)


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More likely for hell to freeze over than get a good “balance” decision.


Like the EFT guys?

They are their own can of worms


I don’t even understand their thought process, giving the T.10 BOL would make it sell far better, what is the point in releasing such a premium, if there is so little reason for many to buy it.


They are for the Su-34/24M and Su-30SM.

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can you just change it to another variant? not to be mean or something but the premium is barely any differant then the TT version

Das Queztion nobody’s askin’ … Super Tomcat, when?

and don’t say, “best we can do is a Super Hornet”


In before someone says cas GRB

It would have made the perfect counter-part to the AV8B(NA) in the American tree for Air, Sim and ground whilst keeping the role the original GR.7 had before it got moved with aim9m

However, for some reason, it gets to have NO BOL. So its essential a heavier, less powerful, much worse and less fun cannon, less countermeasures (phimat give extra chaff but you loose a missile) in comparison to a premium that already sold pretty poorly.

Gaijin finding anyways to make a british premium as undesirable as possible

However, balance concerns are completely ignored with other premiums in other trees, such as the F/A-18C early having a missile upgrade over the tech tree A. The premium netz has more countermeasures then the tech tree netz (apparently, countermeasures balance isnt a thing for that premium, weird? Weird!) The F4S being a MASSIVE upgrade over the F4JUK whist remaining at the same BR.
J7D ruining 9.7 flareless jets… no balance issues there am i right devs hahahhaha


Despite all the effort, community feedback still goes in one ear and out the other, I don’t expect any changes to be made to any vehicles with balancing concerns mentioned in this thread.


If they do ill be grateful, ofc i want to buy the aircrafts becuase ill play them. But NOBODY wants to buy slop. Especially when the slop a worse already undesirable premium

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I am not sure since the E isn’t in the game. Hard to tell.


That is what the BR system is supposed to be for. That’s its entire purpose.

Create the vehicles as accurately as possible and then balance them based on BR. Do NOT artificially nerf them because you refuse to address the glaring issues on the BR system you’re so proud of.


Warspite is just in time for the awful new naval damage system!

The new naval damage system is straight from the fisher-price engineering department.

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The dev server is not running rn right?

And it’s probably not going to get rolled back either because sunk-cost fallacy from Gaijin

It is up currently

It’s been extended to tomorrow morning.

What grb br is the new harrier at?

11.7 iirc