Be careful, or Tovarish Smin will bonk you
Maybe because historically these updates are always on the smaller side? Just because it’s on the leak list (it also said it was going to be delayed there btw) doesn’t mean it’s coming this update. Great example: A-6 SWIP.
Ah yes, we need an even better version of the current shared best jet in game.
I agree that we don’t need the 18E next update, but we surely also don’t need a new EFT next update either.
Nah, Russian cousin of EAP is Su-47, a proper flying lab instead of not realized combat aircraft (which 1.42/1.44 was and, arguably, still is)
I’m a really big fan of submarine and naval sims more generally, while they of course are used to interdict enemy surface groups, early WW2 submarines weren’t the most well suited for it. They could and did so effectively many times throughout the war, but the task they excelled at was interdicting sea lines of communication. That could be possible to implement in a combined Naval/Air EC on large maps with varied objectives like having to escort a supply convoy to a designated point, and heck I think using destroyers, frigates, and ASW aircraft could be fun under that circumstance. I wasn’t around when the submarine event happened, but I’m not sure with what I have played of WT naval it would work well. What I have played has been shallow water surface engagements, which is a problem since a submarine needs to be able to dive to effectively survive.
Hey. Our F/A-18A is from 1983-88, so it did not have AIM-7P. As such, it’s not planned to have this missile.
So why F/A-18A has 4 DL channels?
Are there any plans to add it in the near future, perhaps in the next update?
(This is Cyrillic believe it or not)
Given how the game is going, I fear we will need MiG 1.48 or Yak-201 just to have something good for USSR.
Su-35S could probably be added in the next patch or two and it would be fine with current weapons.
Something tells me Gaijin won’t do it though.
What about the Su-47?
Oddly enough, I’ve been hoping the one we got was an early A-model…
Considering Gaijin ignore Su-27 manual and insist it is unable to fly or dogfight as in reality, I don’t see hope for Su-47.
J-11B is also missing proper characteristics for its engines and for Pl-8B. Hopefully Pl-8B will be reported. Community Bug Reporting System
I don’t need to say more.
I really do think with the Su30…if you manage your AoA control well you will be able to do some awesome gun kills…this new AoA limit switch add to the game will help all the Flankers.
Is there anything concrete as to which service (USN or USMC) is being represented by the US F/A-18’s?
As their stores and electronics fit out have some sight variation between the two (e.g. NiteHawk > ATFLIR or LITENING-AT as a choice for TGP).
Part of me thinks it’s another mishmash
May I ask if there is any plan to add another VT5 for this update? It seems we have another heavy armor VT5 model
Was the .29 dev server update from today?
It’s quite dangerous to use though. Such a low energy state kills you in actual games