Not like they ever tried in the first place lol
MK is specifically for antishipping
Is it? As i know it should have an ARH seeker
Or you know, just use the MLU 1 version with HMS and IFF
They wouldn’t need to add any assets; it’s just the US one without A2G weapons
IFF is kinda given to all im pretty sure, look at the F4F ice as it shouldnt have it in game but does
adding HMD but none of the weaponry or anything else from MLU 1 literally removes the point of the MLU 1 upgrade
which is why i hate the gripens in game
Too advantageous, do you know what would happen if the Finnish players actually got a good TT addition? The world would end and balance would be no more
The only weapon the MLU 1 should have that it wouldn’t is the AIM-9X, which is true of every US aircraft with JHMCS too
Aim 120C
That was MLU 2 I believe, though that issue would apply to the US
It applies to too many nations already, we shouldnt keep recreating it
also it is mlu 1 time period off the top of my head when they got it
I swear if Russia gets antiship missiles but the F/A-18 doesn’t
So just screw Sweden and Finland then? Is that your great solution to fix everything wrong with the game.
They add MLU 1 and the Finish Hornet is identical to the US one for air, and just as, if not more historically accurate.
What is the issue with that?
Where did i say that
we could just have a worse one at a lower br until the time where its added properly which might be the next update
we already have the gripen, and even tho its state is poor, its still very capable
F-15E is suffering /s
But what would you have placed at 2nd and 3rd then?
Israel may be getting Spice 1000 along with 2000, and 250!
They all should get a very long IR track/lock range when implemented.
But no python 4
They show absolutely no signs of lowering its BR
So, either they add the MLU 1 at least, or Sweden get shafted for no reason
Again, there is no reason to not add the MLU 1 given that it would be IDENTICAL to the US F/A-18C except for the A2G weapons
Gaijin’s whole reason for not adding the MLU 2 was then new cockpit it received, but the MLU 1 has the same cockpit that is already modeled in the US one, so there are no developmental issues, and no logical issues with adding the MLU 1, at this point one can only assume it’s out of spite that they haven’t
@Smin1080p_WT i hate having to ping but i would appreciate an answer as to why we don’t get the same treatment as the US. Is having HMD also just too much to ask?
everything is subject to change
Like upgrading it to the MLU 1 for example