Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

you can race mig21s with incendiary loadouts to bases dont you know!!!

you can shoot cannons at the light vehicles RIGHT where everyone fights (which the SHAR will do better as it has more ammo)

yeah im sure the T.10 will do better at ground strike in airRB…

This is not the case. We have explained in detail why the Tornados have different BRs. This is not it. These are different situations entirely.

Is there a plan to further buff the Harriers up to the E-M diagram.

As well as give the virtual instructor a reasonable AOA limit?

All reports will be reviewed. Outside of investigations into this, no changes are planned to the Harrier FMs.

@Smin1080p_WT Any chance you could give these reports a bump? They have been issues since they were first added several updates ago.
[DEV] AV-8B Plus missing locked target designation on HUD - This one has been reported since the AV-8B+ was added to the US during the Seek & Destroy update but has been an issue since it was added to Italy during Sons of Attila. It makes it much harder to know where the enemy is in Sim using the radar and AMRAAMs.

JHMCS missing radar symbology - This one affects pretty much all US made aircraft with HMDs. The F-16C/D, F-15C/E/J/J(M)/Baz M/I, and soon the F/A-18C Late. JHMCS should have radar symbology except it doesn’t in-game which makes tracking targets you have locked with radar much harder from cockpit view.

Eurofighter missing EEGS in Cockpit Sight / Head Up Display - This one has been an issue since the the Typhoon’s were added. The gunsight is stuck in the middle of the HUD and makes aiming whilst in cockpit view much harder.

Eurofighter HUD color Inaccuracy - With the Su-30SM and J-11B getting it’s HUD tint the Typhoon should also get it added too.



What about this suggestion. Fixes all the issues me and the community have with this addition.

I just want the cute harrier to be on par with the AV8B in at LEAST 1 role, and a tad bit closer to its IRL loadout

It’s still lacking around 1G

The virtual instructor limits AOA to a silly amount.

As we have already mentioned, the devs do not plan to add BOL in any capacity due to balance decisons. Harrier T.10 will have Phimat.

To clarify with the Phimat be centerline mounted like on the GR.3?

what does having a couple of laser guided bombs mean for air RB even mean? like how does that justify it being higher then other planes for A2A


Is there any planned changes for F/A-18C Late JHMCS HMD symbology? It should be different a lot

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Its quite a bit more than “just a couple of laser guided bombs”



Not to mention other things like the MAWS and RWR. Both of which factor in.

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it doesnt, the americans are allowed one at 11.3 with a better engine, airframe, cannon AND the 180 countermesures without sacrificing air to air

The british however get a weaker engine, heavier, worse cannon, with 60 countermesures BUT you have to sacrifice 1 of your missiles in order to get 216 CHAFF… not flares to attempt to fix the IR issues this game has with the Harriers.

AT THE SAME BR, because “guided bombs and ground attack stuff… yuhhh”


A report is open under investigation. Until that has concluded, its not possible to say.

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so, let me get this right it is staying the same br as the AV-8B NA, when the NA gets more A2G weapons, a better flight model, a better engine and doesn’t scarifies any A2G weapons to bring a reasonable amount of countermeasures, like how are these 2 planes comparable in ANY way besides being on a harrier airframe


Hopefully, plus as far as I can find most WW2 arty, has some form of direct fire ammo allowing them to play like casemates. Meaning they’d have a higher BR then if they where BRed like the HE only post way ones.

(Tho my thought BRs seem to be controversial with those I’ve told it too)

What about MFD pages, like EW page? It should have quite cool RWR display with brackets that show which angle need to be holded during notch


Even after they gave some attention to the harriers

It seems they are refusing to buff them to match the E-M diagram

What aircrafts should drop in the June major based on NEED?

  • Boeing F-15EX
  • F-18E Super Hornet
  • Mitsubishi F-2
  • Su-35
  • Eurofighter (w/AESA)
  • Rafale F.4
0 voters